6. Back

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"Hi we're back! And we have to tell you something."
"Hi! We have to tell you something too." I hear Emily say.
"So we're first. Okay uhm Nialler and I uhm are kind of dating." I say and I feel how Nialler leans in and kisses me. I kiss him back.
"Uguhm. So we will tell our story. Liam asked me if I wanted to go on a date with him and I said yes."
"Omg Emily that's great!"
"I know. So tomorrow I'll have a date!"
Then I HEAR Louis and Harry come in. They say hi to us and ask us if we're dating. Niall says yes and they start screaming.
"I told ya booyy!" Louis says
"Okay. You won, but I was right with Emily and Liam."
"Wait what? You two had a bet? About us dating?"
"Jup. And we both won."
"That's great. Better than last time when Harry won and Louis didn't talk to him for one whole week." Liam says.
"Wait what? Really did they do that? Wow guys that's weird."
"They are weird Liv."
The next morning
We go to the kitchen and make some breakfast for everyone. I hear Liam and Emily walking down the stairs. They are fighting a little about where they are going for a date, because Liam planned the date and Emily wants to know where they are going. But Liam told her to wear some comfortable clothes and he didn't tell her what they are going to do. When they come in Emily asks me if I want to help her with getting ready for the date. Of course I'll help her. So after breakfast we go upstairs and make her ready for her date. Liam waits for her like a gentleman and opens the door while she walks through it. I wish them luck and go back inside. Niall is waiting for me. He asks me what I want to do, so we just watch a movie, because we both don't know what to do. We watch "The Fault In Our Stars". At the end of the movie I'm crying. Måns comes in and asks what's wrong. Niall answers that we watched a movie. Måns understands and leaves us alone. Niall hugs me with his Horan hug and I start to feel better. Niall kisses my cheeks and take my hand. I watch him concentrate on my hair and playing with it.
"Am I allowed to make a ponytail in your hair?" He asks.
"Of course. I'll get my hairbrush and you can make it."
So I searched for my hairbrush and give it to him. He starts with brushing my hair and when that's done he makes a ponytail. It's not bad. Actually it's great. He almost did a better job than I'll ever do. So I clap in my hands an kiss his cheek. He seems very happy that he did a great job. Then Liam and Emily come back. When we ask them how it was Emily says to Liam that he has to say what kind of date they are doing when they are going on a date, because now she had comfortable clothes on, but they went on a picnic so if she knew she would dress up in a dress. Liam says he don't like girls who wear dresses at a picnic. He doesn't like girls that dress up like princesses when they are just going on a date.

A/N I'm sorry I didn't write in so long, but I didn't have inspiration, but here's a new chapter
Love you xxx

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