8. Horses

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Niall helps me jump on Paris and I ask him if he wants to sit on her too. He says no. He walks next to Paris. Paris likes him. When I get of my horse I ask him again if he wants to sit on Paris. This time he says yes. I help him on the horse and he starts laughing. He likes being on the horse. Paris likes it too that he's sitting on her. She walks next to me, because she is scared to hurt him. When Niall wants to get off the horse I don't help him. I just laugh at him, because he's clumsy. He's very clumsy. It's hilarious how he tries to get off the horse. After ten minutes Paris doesn't like it anymore and I help him to the ground, still laughing.
"Liv? Are you okay?"
"Yeah it was so funny how you tried to get off the horse. I can't stop laughing about that."
"It wasn't funny! I could've died, because you didn't want to help me."
"You know that that's not true."
"Okay. I know you don't want to kill me."
He pulls me in for a hug and I hug him back. We look at Paris and see her being happy.
"I haven't seen her in so long. She deserves to be angry at me. She has a reason to, but she isn't."
"She loves you. You know that. The people at you horse riding school said they couldn't control her anymore. She bite everyone. No-one was able to go near her till I came and took her. I've been there myself. I saw that they tried to hit her, but she didn't know what she did wrong. When she saw me it was like if she knew I was going to being her to you."
"Niall? Did they hit her?"
"They were trying to."
"Did you see it?"
"Yes." He says with a sad look on his face. The only thing I can think about is my poor horse. I decide to call Jolene.
"Hi Liv, what's wrong?"
"Well some people at the stable hit Paris. Niall says he saw it. Do you know about this?"
"Niall? Can you describe the person who hit Paris for Jolene?"
"Of course."
After a while Jolene knows who has been hitting Paris. She says that she is going to talk to her and when she knows more she'll tell me.
I walk to Paris and see that she's happy that I'm here. I take a good look at her and see the places they've been hitting her. It wasn't with an hand. It was with a focking stick. I want to kill the person who did this to my horse. She's in pain. I can see it in her eyes, but not in her behaviour. Maybe that's because if they saw she had pain they would hit her more. I swear this horse is the best one in the whole world. And now they've destroyed her. She isn't the horse she used to be. I'll do the best I can to get my horse back.

A/N today it's the birthday of Louis. Happy birthday to Louis.

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