10. Concert

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We go to the dressing room and wait. We wait till Måns has to go on stage. We can watch the whole concert from the audience. We sing every song and we love the concert. The crew is nice to us and we still don't have to do homework. After the concert Måns asks us how it was. We all loved it. His eyes twinkle of happiness when he hears this. Emily and I hug him and he looks so happy with us.
"I'm so lucky with you two."
"We're lucky with you too." We say together and laugh. Niall hugs me from behind and scares me.
"Well you scared me too with your screaming."
"But if you didn't scare me I wouldn't have scared you."
"What are we going to do Måns?" Asks Liam.
"Maybe we should go get some food. I don't know about you, but I'm hungry."
"Don't ask Horan. He's always hungry." I say laughing.
"Well we go get some food. Come with us guys." Måns says.
"We have to go back to the hotel." Brendan says.
"Why? You don't have to be back in 4 hours. Why should you go?"
"We have to do something. Bye guys have fun."
Niall, Måns and I go to the Mac Donalds, because I wanted my chicken nuggets. I love them okay. So we get the chicken nuggets and some fries and eat it. When we go back to the hotel no-one answers our calls. We go inside and no-one is there. We walk to our room and open the door. Then we hear several people screaming and cheering. I step back and Niall screams:"You f*cking ***holes you scared my girlfriend! Get the hell outta here!"
"Sorry Nialler. We had to do that. We thought it would be fun. We're sorry."
"It wasn't funny. Now go away."
"Yeah. Okay."
They walk away. Niall looks at me and asks me if I'm okay. I am okay so he makes me some food, I know I eat a lot. Don't hate me. We eat and go to bed. The next morning we go to the stables again. We now have the boys from HomeTown also there. We ask if they have some horses we can ride and they have. We have four horses in total. Paris is for me and Niall, and the other three are for the boys.

A/N I wanted to do an update. I'm sorry it's so short.

Love you guys.

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