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*1 week later*
"GIRLS ARE YOU READY? THE PLANE LEAVES IN 2 HOURS." Måns screams to our rooms.
"YEAH WE'RE COMING." We scream back.
"Okay. We'll leave in ten minutes. We eat breakfast at the airport." He says.
We're walking through the hallway with our luggage and drop it in the car.
"You girls don't have that much luggage. I thought girls always have very much luggage, but this isn't what I expected."
"We don't need very much luggage." Emily says.
After 1 hour in the car we're at the airport. We get our breakfast and go to the gate. The plane arrived already and we go inside. We go to Spain first, because Måns loves Spain. After Spain we'll go to France. The boys will be there too. When we are in The Netherlands we'll visit our family and meet some people who also participated in the Eurovision Song Contest. And after The Netherlands we go to the eastern of Europe and tour there. So now that we are in Spain it's very hot weather here. People here are so different from people in Sweden. They speak Spanish. Luckily Emily and I learned Spanish in school. Måns also speaks Spanish so it's not a big problem. Tomorrow Måns has his concert and we can be backstage. Now we need to sleep. It's too hot to sleep, but we'll try.
*The next morning*
"Girls we go to the sound check."
"Ugh can't we sleep?" I hear Emily scream.
"Nope. You guys go with me."
"Okay. I'll be downstairs in 10 minutes."
"Okay. Breakfast is ready."
When we walk downstairs we smell croissant. We eat croissant and go to the sound check. Måns has his sound check and then he asks us if we want to do a sound check too. We've never done that before, so we take a microphone and we have a sound check.
*That evening*
"Ladies and gentlemen give it up for Måns Zelmerlöw."
The whole area goes WILD. Everyone start screaming and when he's on stage they are screaming even louder. Then I see a blond haired boy. He's looking at me. I don't recognise him, but when he speaks to the guards I hear an Irish accent in his English. I walk to the guard and say:"Please let him backstage. I need to talk to him."
"Are you sure it's safe? Because I don't think so."
"Yes it is safe. Does he has three friends with him?"
"Yes. How do you know?"
"Because he is Niall Horan and his friends are Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles and Liam Payne."
"Okay. I'll bring them backstage."
"Thank you."
"Ohh, found you."
"What are you doing here?"
"Måns told us to surprise you and Emily." Liam answers.
"Oohh. But I thought you were coming in France." Emily says.
"Yes. That was the plan sweetheart." Liam says.
I look in Niall's direction and see him staring at me.
"What?" I mouth. He has his phone in his hand and point at it. I look at my phone and see that he sent me a text message.
"Wanna go eat something? X Horan"
"Sure. Everything to get away from Liam and Emily. X Liv"
"Great. Nandos or Pizza?"

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