17. The hospital

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Niall doesn't know that I'm still coming with Louis. We know that Niall's mum is in the same hotel as Cian's dad. Because Brendan called us. He asked what Niall was doing there and when we said his mum was in the hospital he walked over to Niall while ending the phone call. I hope Niall and Brendan can become friends. I know Niall loves Paris (the horse) , so I fixed that she could also come to Ireland. He doesn't know that Paris has a foal. I didn't name her yet, because I wanted to do that with all the boys.
We land in Ireland and the cab brings us to the hospital. We ask Paul if we can go inside, because there are a lot of fans in front of the hospital. You should think that they would leave Niall alone because of his mum, but no. They don't understand that he needs time for himself. Without fans. I know how much he loves them, but at moments like this he only likes the fans that are sending him support on social media.
When we are inside we bump almost into Niall. He wants to be angry, but than he sees us. He starts shaking and I hug him.
"I'm so happy that you are here Liv. It's too much at the moment."
"Niall we'll get you and your family through this. I'll help you."
"Thank you Liv. It means a lot to me."
He puts his head in my neck and I feel his tears. I hug him tighter.
"You know Liv. Brendan isn't that bad. You can be friends with him. I know Louis is also good friends with Brendan so I shouldn't be overreacting."
"It wasn't overreacting Nialler."
"Yes it was. I didn't want to loose you. I love you Liv."
"I love you more Nialler."

"Hey Liv." I recognise that voice, but it's cracked. It sounds like he's been crying for a long time. I turn around and see Cian with the tracks of the tears still on his face. I hug him and see Brendan standing beside him.
"Hey Cian. You aren't okay. What's wrong?"
"It's just my dad who's sick. It's not very important."
"Yes it is. You're not happy Cian. You should be happy."
"I know Liv. I just can't at the moment, but when he's getting better I'll probably be happier."
I grab his hand and squeeze it a little. Than I hug my bro.
"Hi bro. Do you keep on going with all those sad people around you?"
"Hi sis. Of course I do. Sometimes it's hard, but everything for my friends."
"Please take good care of Cian. He seems like he's going to break down every moment."
"I know. Niall did too, but now that you're here he seems happier. Same for Cian by the way. Cian likes you. Just as friends, but he wants to be a good friend of yours."
"He's a great friend tho. I like him too. How is his dad doing?"

Finally a new update. It's not very long, but you have something to read.
I'm not saying why they're sick, because I don't think that's necessary. If you think so say it in the comments. Maybe I'll think about it.

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