7. Fight

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"It wasn't just a date! It was our first focking date." Emily screams
"Don't use my words." Louis says and the fight continues between Liam and Emily.
"But you didn't have to dress up like a princess. You're my princess already and when you dress up like a beautiful princess other guys will like you and I'm forgotten."
"That's not true! You're my prince on the white horse. You only need to learn how to ride a horse."
"Emily listen to me! I like you the way you are. When you dress up like a princess I'm afraid you'll behave as one and I already have seen that all my girlfriends do that, so I don't want you to do it."
"Liam you're a focking bitch!" Emily says and after that she runs upstairs. Liam follows, but he goes to his own room. After a while we hear one of them knock on the door of the other and not much later they come downstairs hand in hand.
"We are sorry that we did fight in front of you." They say.
"It isn't a problem. We still love you." I say which causes Niall to look jealous at Liam.
"Not in that way Nialler. I love you most of all."
"Then it's okay love."
I hug Emily and Liam and after that I cuddle with Niall on the couch.
"Liv? Do you want to go on a date tomorrow? As in our second date?"
"Sure. Where do you want to go?"
"It's a surprise."
"I don't like surprises. You know that."
"But it still is a surprise."
*The next day*
"Jeez Nialler please. Let me sleep."
"No it's time for your surprise."
"Okay. What clothes do I need."
"Do you have your horse riding clothes with you?"
"Uhm nope. You can't expect me to have that with me when I don't have a place where I can ride horses."
"Okay than put some jeans on."
"Sure. Coming wait a second."
When I came downstairs Niall is waiting for me. We have breakfast and go to the car.
"Are we going to an horse riding school?"
"Nope. I told ya I'm not going to tell you where we are going."
"Okay. You win, but--"
"I always win!"
"But we are going to an horse riding school. I just know it. You can't lie to me Nialler."
"Okay, but I'm not saying you're right."
When we arrive I see I was right. I hear some horses and then I see my horse.
"OMG Nialler. Did you? No it isn't her. Niall Horan what tha fock."
"Well actually it's Paris so this was my surprise." He says shyly. I give him a hug and a kiss and then I walk towards my horse. Paris recognises me and starts getting happy. I start crying. I hug my horse and take her with me.
"How did she come here?"
"Well I know my people."
"Niall you're the best!"
"I love you Liv."
"I think I love you too Niall. I love you so much."
He hugs me and let his arm rest on my shoulder while we walk with Paris.

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