15. Movie Night

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We watched This Is Us. Now Liam can choose the movie. We made it clear that he shouldn't choose Toy Story, so now we're watching Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows part 1. I love that movie. Only the end is sad. (A/N I'm not going to spoiler it for you guys🤗) I cry at the end. Niall sees it and asks me if there's something wrong. You know it's sweet, but ever since I told him about Amelia he's kind of overprotective. He always wants to know how I'm feeling and if I'm crying he wants to know what it's about. It's cute, but yeah.
After he's sure nothing's wrong with me he says that it's bedtime. I look confused and so does Emily. Then he starts laughing his great laugh. We all laugh and he says it was a joke. He picks the next movie. It's finding Nemo. I hate this movie. Well I actually love it, but I always cry during the movie. It's so sad. (A/N again I'm not going to spoiler) I cry again, this time Niall cries too. It's heartbreaking to see him cry. I hug him and he just doesn't stop. Liam knows that he won't stop until the movie is over so he just watches the rest of the movie with Emily in his arms. She cries too. After the movie we look at Liam, confused because he didn't cry. He runs upstairs and Emily looks at Niall. He just looks at the stairs. Louis says that maybe Emily should go to their room to find him. Emily runs upstairs and after a while she texts me.

E: "He's crying. It's so sad."
L: "Poor Liam. Why?"
E: "I don't know. I'm trying to talk to him, but he's ignoring me. Liv HELP."
L: "I'm going to look for the Toy Story movie. Say to him that we're going to watch Toy Story."
E: "Okay. I think we're coming in a few minutes."

After ten minutes they're still upstairs. I decide to walk to their room and open the door. Emily is now crying too. I call out for Louis and ask him if he could bring Emily downstairs.
I sit down next to Liam.
"Liam? What's wrong? I mean, you're not crying without a reason."
"I'm daddy direction. Everyone calls me daddy direction and I'm daddy direction, but also daddy direction breaks sometimes. I can't go to the boys like this, because I'm their daddy. They can't see me like this."
"Liam, they love you. They won't think you're stupid. They need to see that you also have other sides as being daddy direction. I think we should go downstairs and watch Toy Story."
"Thank you Liv."
We walk down the stairs and Niall is waiting for us. He picks me up and spins me around. Liam, Niall and I walk to the sofa and sit down. Emily is in Liam's arms and I'm in Niall's arms.

A/N new chapter. It's short, but here it is.
Woow there are more than 100 reads thank you so much💕

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