18. His dad

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"Not very well. I don't know how long he's going to be alive. The docor said to Cian that it could be a week, but also a year."
"Is his dad allowed to go home?"
"No. He's not. He has to stay the rest of his life in the hospital. It's hard for Cian, because he wants to be with us too. He can't choose. He likes you and the band. He doesn't want to leave his dad, but he wants to be with us."
"I understand. I'll think of an idea while I'm hearing Niall's story. Okay?"

She walks through the hospital. He's in the room with the food. Of course.
"Hi Niall."
"Ugh, you're not a fan, are you?"
"Well actually I am. But I'm also your girlfriend."
"Okay. Well have a seat."
"Thank you. I wanted to talk to you since we didn't really talk when Louis and I came here."
"Niall. Are you okay?"
"No I'm not." He starts crying. "I don't know what to do Liv. She's still alive. She's going to be okay. Why am I even crying?"
"Because she's your mum and she's sick."
"Yeah I think so. Greg said I shouldn't be like this. Crying all the time. He said I'm overreacting. But I think I'm not and I can't help it."
I just hold him for a while and then I say: "Niall. You're not overreacting. It's just you. And you're beautiful."
"Thank you Liv."
"No problem."
We have a Horan-hug. I love Horan-hugs. Those are just great.
But to come to the point he's not okay. It's a lot for him to handle. I understand him completely.
"Niall? I have a question."
"Ask it Love."
"Well Brendan said Cian's dad isn't going to be okay. Cian has this dilemma now. He wants to be with us, but also with his dad. They don't know how long his dad is going to live."
"I think it's his choice, but if I had to choose I'll choose my dad."
"It's just so hard Niall. I don't know how to comfort him. It seems like he's having a hard time and I want to be there for him, but I also want to be with you and the other guys."
"I think we'll stay in Ireland for a while so I don't think there's anything to worry about. Måns is coming here too by the way. Maybe that'll tear you up. Maybe Brendan and Cian will be happier too. I also invited a special guest who's going to sing, but I'm not allowed to tell you yet."
"Okay. I love you."
"I love you more Liv."

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