21. The Place

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As I start riding using Liam's instructions I feel so sad. It's like I've never been this sad in ages. I feel like Niall is gone forever. He probably isn't because the boys are telling me he's just upset and we'll get through it.
The nearer we get to the place there are more trees and less paths to follow. Liam knows exactly where we need to go. Paris reacts very good at my instructions like she knows that this needs to happen. When we are there I don't see Niall's car so I start to panic, but there are footsteps in the grass, which are recently. I see a hut standing in the middle of the field. I help Liam to get to the ground safe and than get to the ground myself. Paris wants to follow me so I let her. I hear soft cries coming from the inside of the hut. When I get inside I see him laying on the bench. He's a curled up ball with his head in the middle. I sit down next to him and start hugging him, which doesn't go very easily because it's hard to hug a human ball.
"I love you so much Nialler. Please don't believe I'm dating Cian, because it'd feel like I'm dating my brother. I love you more than anyone else. Please believe me."
"How did you know I was here since you haven't seen this place yet."
"Liam told me how to get here. He was worried and so am I. We rode Star and Paris to here, because Liam said that we couldn't go with the car."
"I'm so sorry I thought you were cheating. I know you'd never cheat on me. That's one of the reasons I love you so much. I just couldn't believe it, but that article made it sound so real. I love you so much Liv I can't loose you."
"I can't loose you either Niall."
"I'm so glad that you're here now. Because I don't know if I'd ever had the bravery to go back to you after what I did."
"I know that you'd come back. The boys said our relationship was too strong to die and that's one of the reasons why I'm here."
"I love you so fucking much."
"I love you more. Maybe we should go back to Liam. I'll ride the horses back. I don't know about you?"
"Liam is going to be in my car. And I think I'm going with my car too. Do you know how to get back?"
"I think so. And I've got my phone so I'll find a way back."
"Okay. Please be safe."
"I will. You please be safe too."
"Of course."
We walk over to Liam and I get on Paris and take Star with me. It's an hour to get to the hospital so it isn't that far. Paris goes into a trot and as long as Star is keeping up with us we go that fast. When I'm almost at the hospital Niall calls me and asks me where I am. When I say I'm almost at the hospital he said that he'd come towards me. So when I'm almost there he scares the crap out of me. He jumps from behind a tree.
"Niall James Horan. You just scared the crap outta me."
"I'm sorry. Now let me help you off the horse."
He wraps an arm around my waist and helps me to the ground. He takes Paris and I take Star. We can put them together with the sheeps so they can eat grass and drink water. And for Star of course drink Paris her milk.
When we're back I see Cian still sitting on that bench where I left him. Brendan en Ryan both trying to tell him that it's going to be okay and that he isn't the reason if our relationship would end up in a breakup.
"Cian? You okay?"
"Well actually not. Because this is kinda too much for me at the moment."
"I understand. It's going to be okay bud. Niall and I won't breakup. You'll get through this Cian. It's going to take a while, but it'll be okay."

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