13. Måns?

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After our conversation I hear Louis coming downstairs. He is crying?
"What is it Lou?"
"It's Måns."
"Måns? What happened?"
"I don't know. He's upstairs, but I don't know what to say. Please just have a look yourself. I'll call an ambulance."
We run upstairs as fast as we can. When we reach Måns his room we see that the door is opened. We run inside and see him lying there, on the ground. I kneel down besides his face and call Emily. She's running through the hotel to come here. The ambulance is at the hotel and they take Måns away. Emily and I are crying. Liam holds Emily and Niall holds me, but he's not sure what to do or say. After a few hours Emily and I take a cab to the hospital. The boys couldn't come, because no one knows they're friends. We sit next to Måns. He's awake. After a while Niall calls me. I walk away.
"Hi Nialler what's it?"
"Uhm I thought we could maybe bring Messi and Rafa to our hotel. Maybe it'll cheer Måns up?"
"Great idea."
"Do you already know what was wrong?"
"Nope I'm sorry. I'll call you when we know okay?"
"Okay. Bye babe."
"Bye Ni."

As soon as I walk back to the room I see the doctors. They are talking to Emily and Måns. After a while I can hear what they're saying. It's bad news. Very bad. Måns has to go home. That's everything I hear, but it's enough to let me sit on the ground in the middle of my way. I start crying. Emily sees me and walks towards me. She gives me a hug. She know I only heard the situation. Måns isn't himself. He's sick. He has some kind of tiredness sickness and now he has to go home and he'll get some medicines for it.
Of course I call Niall as soon as possible. He's coming to the hospital. I told him not to, but he's coming. When he sees me and Emily he runs till he's there. He gives us both a hug and than he goes to Måns. Emily and I look at each other and Emily calls Liam. Liam doesn't answer his phone. When Niall is back he explains that we can go with them on tour and when the school calls Måns it doesn't matter, because Måns will say that they can't talk to us during the time we're here. We run into the room and hug Måns. He says that we have to go to Niall now if we want to leave. Niall has his car parked outside so we run to it and after a while we're back in the hotel.

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