Chapter Two

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"So how's everything going? Found anything yet?" I asked, a little too casually. "—Oh, sorry, I don't mean to be so n-nosy," I apologised quickly.

He only politely smiled, slipping out of his cloak. He was wearing a royal blue and satin white attire with a black belt around it. He looked so perfect as I absentmindedly gazed at him, the handsome Minister I could only saw on the public screens! I'm not obsessing! He ran his hand slowly through his hair, facing me. I jolted out of my daydream, coughing violently.

"I'm on a solemn search to try and find the antitoxin to the lethal virus going around. You ask me how's it going? To be honest, I'm not too sure," he admitted, sighing.

I jumped at this, eyes twinkling with enthusiasm.

"Really? You're really going to find an antidote? I knew you would save us," I beamed, my heart racing. 

The Minister would cure us all and soon, this would all be over!

"Trying to get an antidote," he corrected.

I giggled as I stood up from the table.

"I believe that you will... so good luck with it. you want something to drink?" I offered, gazing into those wonderful eyes of his.

"I guess so," he replied, meeting me with an earnest smile.

"Is a cup of Curiuma, okay?" I questioned, knowing that it was all we had to drink anyway.

Curiuma was basically the only liquid that never froze in Winter! He pretended to be thinking as I raised an eyebrow at him in amusement.

"I'd love some," he approved with a playful glint in his eye.

I slowly nodded, bowing before turning away.

I proceeded into my quiet kitchen, switched on the lights and slowly fell into deep thought as I searched for a glass. The Seventh Minister of Winter was here at last and he was going to find an antidote to cure everyone. Somehow... I wish he had come at least a little earlier...maybe then my sister, Sinh, would have still been alive right now to see her hero. She would have gone crazy. I just wish... I opened the bottle of glowing, red Curiuma, letting it stream into the ice-glass. I wonder if he'd like it... I had grounded it myself.

I handed him the glass, suddenly feeling shy all over again as our fingers briskly grazed over each other.

"Hope you like it," I smiled, sinking sheepishly against the wall.

Then I remembered that he needed a bedroom to sleep in. It was so dark after all and he wasn't going back to the Senate of Faces until he found the antidote that could save all of us.

"I'll go prepare a room for you so make yourself comfortable," I informed, heaving myself from the wall before I could get too comfortable.

"You're great," he thanked, taking a sip of the drink, "This drink is also really good. Better than I remember."

I beamed, kneading my shoulder proudly. He didn't understand how much he was making my heart race right now.

There were a lot of abandoned rooms in my house. Now my own and only mine alone. It felt depressing at times even when Sinh was still alive. The uncomfortable emptiness that stayed in the air gave me the chills, bouncing off the cold walls after mother and father had passed. Now I have to face that alone without Sinh's attempts to make me smile with her bad jokes. 

I was cleaning out the guest room, trying my best to shove most of the medicines out into the long corridor. I hardly got guests so I had always used this room for reading about herbs or hanging out with Sinh... But now that she isn't here, I guess the Seventh Minister can use it.


Oh ye, great Citizens, these are the saddest of times. Times that everyone is important to someone. Everyone is learning to love again with no jealousy for others and only wishes to get through these times alive. Many have died. And I have nobody. Sometimes I question my heart and wonder why it can't just give in and stop too but it must remember the promise it keeps to my parents. I was born at the yearning tip of death. My heart was once the coldest of all things and I pulled through and managed to live. I can't forget about that day that I chose to suggest to end my own life. I live for my family and experience the life they forgot to live. And maybe when I die naturally from this killer of a disease, I can meet my family and tell them:

I tried.


"And finally, this is my room so if you need anything, you can just knock and I'll be up experimenting in the herbs room anyway," I informed, finishing the tour of the house.

"You like to do experiments?" he questioned, as I shuffled on my feet.

I looked up at him, a little confused.

"Yeah. I'm a herbalist," I shrugged, somehow thinking that everyone was meant to know.

"Hey, guess what?" he began, a smile on his face.

I wanted to burst out laughing as we spoke like old-time friends, playing along with him.

"What?" I asked, for the mere fun of it.

"So am I," he finished, grinning.

I laughed, having not felt so alive in a long time.

"Who knew, huh?" I joked. "Hey, you can also use the herbs room if you want," I mumbled, starting to feel the reality of sharing the house with the Minister.

It still utterly shocked me...

"Oh well. Goodnight, Seventh Minister," I bowed, still aware of the abnormal feeling of him being so close.

"Goodnight, Azalea," he replied gently.

My heart attacked me!

"Y-yeah. See you then...Teí," I murmured, catching a blush.

His first friend. Me? 

Wow, I was in for a stunning ride.

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