Chapter Twenty-Four

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Friday 13th December Year 108DA, unidentified time. Teí's Household and Property.

I stalked the illusion of Teí as he went into his house, sinking right through the walls as he closed each door behind him. He still carried my lifeless body over his shoulder, turning on each light as he walked into the rooms. It was fascinating, like crossing through dimensions. That look he had on his face showed no sign of ever opening the doors he forcibly closed ever again. Finally, he unknowingly led me into his herb-filled workroom where the vivid aroma of the fresh herbs was lurid and the beautiful colours brightened the vastness. The homely feeling hit me with a sense of familiarity as I faced the memory of the both of us messing around with each of the herbs, trying to make crazy medicines and then daring each other to drink them...

I shook my head, dismissing the prodding memory that pulled at my strings. I looked back at Teí as he lay the head and body on top of his worktable, shoving the glass vessels to the corner to make space. He examined the limp body, circling it before he made his way over to one of the large shelves. He scanned through each vessel, tracing his finger along the faint letters, clearly looking for a specific one. I stretched, deciding to explore the room a little more as I carelessly hummed to myself. I came across his bookshelf, lined with glossy recipe books, unlike the tattered, old books I had expected in my mind. I tried to pick one up but the ghost of the book is what I took instead, leaving an ill-defined colour on the original one. I was a little excited, flipping it open as I prepared myself to be hit by a number of potion recipes but looking back at me was a clear, blank page, transparent as I saw my fading hands underneath. I clicked my tongue, a little annoyed as I put the book back in its place. The book went back to normal, the colour more vivid than before. I looked back to Teí to find him picking up a closed box. I was excited now, wondering what it was as I made my way over to him as he opened the container.

"Press a single azalea into the heart, untouched by the brutal snow or she will become a stranger to you," mumbled Teí to himself, taking an azalea from the box.

The azalea was light in colour, delicate but still fresh as he studied it for any trace of snow. He carefully examined it, not letting a single spot go without inspection. When he was certain, he lay it on top of her dead chest, now searching for something else. He seemed to find it. A curved knife with a silver handle. He took it out from the filled-up drawer beside the table. It was a sharp tool, reflecting viciously in the light with a promise of instant murder. He warily assessed it as well before taking out the chain I had given him the day after we had first met as children. The bells on it joyfully chimed as he brought the glinting knife under half the amount of bells. He sliced them off, a dying sound of bells sounding straight afterwards. 

He worked fast, his hands bringing a fiery-red ribbon and thread out of seemingly nowhere. He then needled the ornaments into place on the ribbon, moving at the speed of light as he produced an elegant material that was identical to the one I wore now. He moved the lolling head over to join with the corpse as he tied the fabric into my clone's vibrant, red hair. As he did that, a strange thing happened as flames wound around her neck, fusing it with the rest of the body and at once — she was whole.

"Don't worry, I keep promises... I'll bear witness to that," he assured the body as it seemed to buzz a little, immediately stopping again as quickly as it came.

He took the knife once more, holding it to the palm of his left hand. Before I even had the chance to blink, he had slit the centre of his hand, leaving a trail of oozing blood. Not a single drop was wasted as he pressed his hands against the azalea plant on her chest. Furious flames escaped from under his hands as the plant sank into the still body, his blood leaving him in huge amounts.

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