Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Heated azalea plants, dry honey crystals, the aroma of autumn leaves, formic acid and the ice that you said was for killing ironic?" he sighed, passing me the list.

I replied with a sad smile of encouragement before scanning the list of items that would soon end me. Something inside me kept breaking, constantly naming all the people I had murdered. Sinh, my parents, Dhor, Fersad and even his little brother... My heart throbbed and I lowered my gaze before he could see my glistening tears that burned in my eyes, a lump being reborn in my throat.

"It's okay. I...I've killed so many people...I'm getting what I, I deserve," I softly assured as he gave me another hurt expression.

I suppose it was a little better now that he believed me... it seems that the other me managed to solve everything then left me in the most awkward situation — hugging Teí! But it was quite an enjoyable one... To think that I wouldn't be able to feel him like that terrified me but... Because of what I did, I had no family, nothing to live for and I was only a burden to him. Even when he denied to let go of me, I still stupidly wondered if I was dreaming. But... It was okay, he'd soon find peace and so will everyone else. 

I will sacrifice myself leaving this world with a smile that curves my lips.

"Don't just say things like that so casually," he gave out, rolling up the list again as his brothers awoke from the ground where they were suspiciously sleeping. 

They were definitely not there when I came... Did she knock them out to prove her strength to Teí? Did he freak out? Of course, he'd be forced to believe her then... But was she out of her mind to do that to two very important princes?! They looked at us in surprise as though they had just rolled there by mistake.

"Miss Chióni!" celebrated Prince Foxe, quickly ignoring the fact that he had just woken up from the ground.

Teí drew close to my ear, whispering. Tears dropped as I curled up, wanting to shapeshift into something small but I quickly wiped them away as I felt his breath.

"I'll find a way to remove the virus from you without killing you. I'll work on this antidote since it seems innocent enough. The High Doctors from the Senate of Faces will be arriving tomorrow to have a look at you and...have fun with these two," he smiled, gently kissing the top of my ear.

I went deep red as he gave me a sincere smile, carefully stroking away my tears. We exchanged no more words and he opted to leave, my heart travelling faster than the speed of light. H-he was dangerous...

"So what brings you here this early?" puzzled Astrân, also coming over to me.

I swallowed hard, forcing a beam onto my face.

"N-nothing...just wanted to see you, that's, that's all," I lied, my eyes twitching as I spoke.

Astrân grinned mischievously, "You're horrible at lying."

I went even redder. Did they already know the reason? What if they had fainted after hearing the truth? That'd be embarrassing.

"Yeah, it's quite clear that she only came to see boring, old Teí...," grumbled Foxe, pouting like a spoiled child.

I stared at them in confusion. They seriously didn't know?

"Y-yes! You caught me," I blurted out, getting puppy eyes from Foxe while Astrân muttered curses under his breath.

"That's not fair, Miss Chióni! I love you a lot more than that annoying pest," complained Foxe, wrapping me in a hug.

I nervously laughed, trapped. What did Teí mean by having fun with them again?

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