Chapter Twenty-Five

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Monday 19 March, late-evening. Land of Never-Ending Autumn.

After another stressful day of long discussions on how to fight the Winter's Virus at Autumn's Final Government, it was finally time to head back home. I exhaled another hard-earned sigh of contentment as I mounted the back of my charming, caramel-coloured horse, Ferrell. I took the usual route through the bustling town that was still filled with cheerful business as people sold their harvested fruits and vegetables in stalls. Even as the Autumn sun descended into the golden-haze sky, no one showed any sign of departing the marketplace, looking for the best quality food for their dinner. As I passed, the townspeople dropped and bowed formally, greeting me when they recognized me.

"Good late-evening, Respected Miss Chióni," they greeted in joyful unison.

"Same to you, a beautiful evening to you all," I replied sweetly, flinching as I cursed myself for becoming used to this extreme formality after just three months!

I politely rode past them, allowing them to return to what they were doing. Ferrell let out a soft neigh, clearly having sniffed out the apples because before I knew it, he had stopped in his tracks right in front of an apple stand. He hungrily leered at the fresh fruit, giving a low grunt as he nudged his head towards them, his white mane following with his movement. There was no way I was going to give in to his soft whines! He slowly moved towards the stall, ignoring me even when I pulled at his reins. I grumbled under my breath, looking pleadingly at the old woman, Mrs Tasé, who was working there. She chuckled a little at my disobedient horse, bowing as well.

"Good late-evening, Respected Miss Chióni. What a hungry fella we have here, eh?" she pointed out as I gave in to Ferrell's successful whimpering.

"Yes, a spoilt one too, I should have thought a little harder when Prince Teí Chrysós asked me for my favourite one when he took me to choose a horse at the Senate's Stable yester-month," I complained to her regretfully, finding my purse.

"Ah, our beloved Prince Chrysós, is he doing better now with his eye?" asked Mrs Tasé, feeding Ferrell a big, red apple.

Ferrell gave a soft sound, probably in love with her for doing that.

"He pretends that he is but it's quite clear that he's struggling," I fondly smiled, handing the sweet woman some money which she swiftly denied.

"I can't take money from a Respected figure like yourself! It would be thievery to do so when you're working so hard to protect us," she assured, her wrinkles deep in her golden skin as she beamed.

I stood there, a little awkwardly, still holding the money. I cleared my throat, embarrassed.

"But what is the point of having money then? Please accept it as gratitude for caring so much about my greedy companion," I urged, offering her the money again.

She looked at the amount in my hands and gasped, "This's far too much money! If so, take a bag of more apples!" she told me, kindly accepting the money this time and clearing my heavy cloud of shame.

Before I could protest to her idea, she was already packing a bag full of apples and handing it over to me. Ferrell neighed happily, making Mrs Tasé chuckle again.

"It's the most I can do to honour you. My little grandson picked them himself so please enjoy," she warmly told me, beautiful pride in her twinkling, chocolate eyes.

I sighed, wondering how I could even win against this kindhearted woman because she wasn't going to take no for an answer. I accepted the full bag and put them in my bag, ascending Ferrell again.

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