Chapter Nineteen

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I led him into my bedroom, picking up an apron from my chair.

"Where do we start?" I wondered, looking around now as he removed his jacket.

"Books. I'd like to see some of your recipes again," he suggested, rolling his shirt's sleeves and loosening his tie.

I nodded quickly, rushing over to the shelves to the collection of books I had unpacked. I picked them out randomly, taking them over to the worktable in front of him.

"I have most things in these books so maybe we might be able to come up with something," I figured, now trying to find a stray ribbon to tie my hair up with.

"Oh, right, nearly forgot. The bodies of the people found in Winter will be arriving later on today so I want to try and see if we can do something to them that may help us with more clues," he informed as I searched under the table.

I peeked at him from the table, offering him a pleased smile.

"That actually sounds like a great idea since we can work on them first-hand, right?" I thought.

He grinned, biting his lip gently as he gave me an amused look.

"You just worded out what I said differently," he pointed out, making me realise this fact.

I blushed, wondering why I always sounded so dumb in front of him and he would always tease me about it...

I crawled out from the table, looking up at him on my knees.

"I seem to do that a lot when I'm with you, huh?" I giggled, blowing my hair away from falling over my face.

He looked at my hair now as it flew everywhere. I giggled nervously again, turning away from him before I could destroy my image any more than I already had.

"Need to tie up your hair?" he asked as I tried to sniff out anything.

I nodded, still keeping my back to him as I stood up and wiped down the dust from my knees.

"Can't seem to find anything," I mumbled, sighing.

"Would my tie do?" he questioned, causing me to whip myself around to face him as he undid his tie.

I blinked at him then managed a little nod, obeying him as he beckoned me over to him.

I stood in front him, breathing heavily as I became conscious of the little amount of space in between us. I nearly died when he swept up my hair with both his hands, his tie between his teeth as I stared at his chest, wanting to hide against it. He tied up my hair then his gaze fell to the side of my neck.

"Can you please turn around for a second? I think you might have something infecting your neck," he informed, sounding worried.

I did as I was told, feeling a little relieved now that I was not facing him because now I could make all the panicked faces that I wanted... But I was also confused to hear about an infection. It seemed hilarious to me that I, a herbalist, would let myself become infected!

"Have you always had an icicle on your neck?" he puzzled, stroking the nape of my neck.

I shivered from his touch, flaming red again.

"Icicle? N-no," I blushed, becoming more perplexed as I felt his breath close to my neck.


I felt something dangerously cold being pulled from my neck. It caused me great pain as I winced, gnawing down on my lip as I forced myself not to make a sound. It was like an injection was being removed from my skin but the freezing sensation terrified me as I wondered how I was never aware of this poison of a thing. I shivered, feeling something warm afterwards. His... tongue.

Kill me! Kill me!! Please kill me!!!

I flinched, relaxing a little as the pain quickly regressed. I had no strength to face him for a few minutes as I hyperventilated.

He then moved away from me and I turned around and gawked at the long icicle that didn't melt with the warmth of his hand.

"Maybe you came into contact with it when you were covered by the snow?" he wondered, placing the icicle down on the table.

I slowly nodded, scared by the awful reality of having that thing inside my neck. Teí turned back to the books on the table, flicking through the pages as he examined each one carefully.

As I eventually felt myself beginning to calm down, the pain stung me again and something inside me coldly whispered:

No. I'm no infection. I carry a powerful weapon and I curse you all to death. You are all fools who are living in a death chamber while I'm still roaming around freely and soon I will walk tall on top of the bodies of your executed men and their wives...

The message stole my breath as I gasped with the horrifying shock. I began to tremble as I looked over to the icicle again as a dark aura fumed strongly from it and I found it difficult to breathe. I reached out to hold Teí, nearly choking with the fear as I stumbled.

"Teí...something's not right," I started as his eyes found mine.

I shuddered, seeing the icicle in the corner of my eye. I rushed into his arms, hugging him close as I continued to quake with the spreading fear.

"What's wrong?" he inquired, concerned as I held him tighter.

"Something's terribly wrong... Destroy it," I pleaded, tears running down my cheeks as I cried louder.

"The ice?" he checked, hugging me back as I desperately wanted to feel safe.

I nodded, sniffing and clinging onto him for dear life. He gently patted my back, trying to reassure me but the existence of that icicle irritated me.

"Alright. If that makes you happy," he sighed, clearly confused with the sudden change.

He picked up the icicle in between his fingers and then let it drop to the ground. It made an eerie noise as it fell. Like a bullet's whistle as it crashed to the floor. But when it touched the ground, something unusual happened...

The whole area surrounding the shattering icicle became frozen by a carpet of clear ice and the breaking icicle itself began to shoot out into a different shape altogether as it joined and linked with the other parts, growing outwards and becoming thinner. Like a spiky flower as it rapidly expanded. I yelped after the short moment of my awe and hugged Teí tighter, terrified as it crawled towards us. But it stopped short, acting as acid as it burned the heel of my shoe.

"I don't think that was normal ice," I outlined, gripping Teí's shirt tighter.

Teí didn't say anything but hugged my trembling body closer towards him. I was glad but worried about his silence.

"Are you okay?" I squeaked, calm against his chest as I listened to his comforting heartbeat.

He drew closer to my ear, his breath grazing my skin gently.

"That snow that covered you...I'm sure it was contaminated with the virus," he whispered.

I gasped, moving away from him slowly. My stomach flipped over, making me feel nauseous.

"Could, could it be that...?" I began, incapable of finishing the sentence as my lips quivered.

"Be what?" he urged, taking hold of my shoulders and he made me look at him.

I averted my gaze from him for a while then picked up the courage to look up at him again. I searched his eyes, wanting him to trust me. He leaned back onto the table, letting go of me and waiting for me to speak. Almost immediately, my throat began to dry up, making a lump form when I opened my mouth to speak.

"Teí...I think I might be somewhat connected to the viru—," I started but my throat began to swell up as the icy claw choked me.

I tried to grasp onto some air but found it difficult to breathe as I fell to my knees, feeling my head spin as Teí tried to keep me from closing my eyes but the horrible sensation forced me to close my eyes as I attempted to escape its talons.

What the Hell was this?

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