Chapter Seven

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Tuesday 20 November, dawn, Land of Seven Winters.

"What are you doing, Azalea?" asked Dhor as I pushed him in the snow, harder this time.

"What does it look like?" I puzzled, frowning as he tried to stand again.

I pressed him down, kicking him harder as I transformed.

"Azalea...?" he hoarsely asked as he took in my new appearance.

"Isn't this what you wanted?" I teased, aiming at his wounded arm now.

He cried in pain. Almost making me pity him.

"Shut up and die. I'll make surrre it's painful. I'll make it worrrthy forrr you to keep safe in yourr memorrries of me," I grinned, stepping on his arm again.

"Why are you doing this? Just stop, it isn't funny," he coughed, his voice hoarse with pain.

I gave a sarcastic laugh, wanting nothing more than to shut him up.

"It is forrr me! And just like I killed my parrrents, Sinh, your parrrents, ourr neighbourrs... you will also have a memorrrable death, best frrriend," I promised, kneeling down to grab him with my nails.

I effortlessly lifted him up from the ground, glaring at him as he hovered a little above me.

"You'rre the one who kept begging so desperrrately for this. I prrrefer you kill me with yourrr own hands instead of that crruel virrrus! Rrememberrr that, Dhorrr? I almost pity you because Dhorrr... I am Azalea and I am also the virrrus. Two in one - lucky you," I grinned, feeling my long nails inserting into his neck.

I began to slowly inject the semi-liquid ice into his body, feeling him shiver.

"Stop! Please! What are you doing to me?" he pleaded, trying to fight me off. "What are you?!"

I just gave him a lifeless smile and mercifully let go of him, letting him crash to the ground. He choked, out of breath and unable to stand. Useless.

"Want to rrememberrr me for who I rreally am, Dhorrr?" I tempted, grabbing his chin and making him look at me.

He was shaking, not with the cold but fear. I grinned.

I held him closer to me and forcefully planted my lips on his cold ones. He tried to shove me away but he was too weak as the dancing ice crawled into his mouth, blocking up his throat. I bit his lip sharply then tasted the coldness of his blood inside my mouth. It was kind of sweet. Too bad I'll never get to taste it again.

"I liked you too. Quite a lot actually," I mocked, licking my lips.

I pulled away from him, gulping down the blood and revered as the ice ate my friend's entire body. A body which had once kept me warm. Which protected me from harm's way. Which hugged me closer to him when I needed him the most.

But this was his fault. I never planned on killing him but he begged for his own death.

I can at least grant wishes.

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