Revelation: The Final Epiphany

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Verily, I am on the bitter edge of giving up on my selfish dream.

I should have valued him, he's a good person. I always knew he was.

Hand me in and let's end this thing we both call "ours" together. You and me.

It's boring when you die all alone so I'll guide your way.

I'll speak the truth about all of this.

I will smile and say: yes I was the bad guy of my own story.

And I will admit that the demon that wrapped itself around my— our heart surely caused this.

An innocent blue butterfly with black splashes of blood on the surface but it starved for something sweeter than nectar.

Behold, behoved upon you is the Final Epiphany!

At last...

I must state that I was only a coward facing down so that I wouldn't have to see him smiling and eventually give in,

I knew I was wrong to think that tomorrow would be the same as yesterday and that we would never see eye to eye.

I trust him. He proved that to me in the hardest way he possibly could...

...I won't break past this ice that he uses to protect me anymore...

Because now I can remember the days I cried and yearned to be loved by him.

So make him listen, my friend...I'll be his bride.

After all, who let me believe that the whole world was covered in a mist of black fog but myself?

To be given the gift to defy my hollow desires and finally look up into his flaming eyes like a true hero were my true wishes.

But back then, my reason was being torn as I quickly realised that I had chained myself with the same chains they put on me on the day of my execution,

So I was only letting myself fall but didn't manage to get up again...

...He should have left me...

I was a hindrance.

When I was alone, I built houses in a void, in the hope to build my lonely life again.

But I was losing track as his blazes destroyed me, going against me, the contaminated hero...

I wasn't alive anymore but I was still like the one who was alive because I still made mistakes,

I was manipulated by the urge to stand alone...

...But every good man has a better person beside them on their throne.

So I was trying to learn how to fill the void...but in vain,

Only because I had no one to pass time with. I wish I could cry with tears of joy that fell and never froze in my isolated hell.

A solitude I could no longer enjoy as it quickly became irritating boredom.

Everything seemed like a fraud as I stared through the iced windows but it was hard to see past the thick darkness that the smoke created, I was still blinking away his blood as though he would emerge from the flames and come to find me.

But my dreams and wishes were once again in vain...

...And they only plunge me deeper into my hell as the nightmares of never seeing him again haunted me.

And the sound of his sweet voice was still so close and I swore I could feel his warm breath but it was only that same lukewarm wind of the mixed seasons. Autumn and Winter.

But he, Autumn, was winning.

Days wore on like the continuous lie I made you believe,

I envy you because I now realise how lucky I was to have him right by me.

I was foolish to let his name slip from my memories and to allow his face to become unfamiliar to my blind eyes,

But his voice, his the lukewarm wind in the lonely night...was what reminded me of him.

It was like breaking ice, shattering it like glass but instead, the warm water that had been trapped underneath it for so long made a stream of our lost dreams,

It felt like we would never let go of each other again but...

...I want him to be the one to end

Again, I'll have to disappear through the deep emptiness of time,

So at times, I hate myself for being careless and yet I love you for doing the thing I was incapable of doing...that was loving him. 

He was a person who understood without having to hear words,

He reassured you as your tears fell upon his chest,

He held you close even when he was the one hurting the most,

He was pained, stabbed in the shadow of the night because he was relying on an ignorant killer.

I harmed him. It was I who killed him on top of the bed of ice.

Revelation! I will write it with my own black blood until it runs out and I fall dead.

This will be the truth with no divinity.

So don't pity me...don't forgive me.

End me.

Give me what my foolishness deserves because the night will surely continue swallowing my screams and I will be unheard with muffled echoes from the top of snow-capped mountains so you'll never understand.

I want to smile for him one last time in case it may assure him and I'll hug him close and whisper:

"I'm sorry, dear friend. See you in another life"

Because indeed,
After the rain comes the sun.

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