Chapter Ten

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Tuesday 20 November, night, Land of Seven Winters.

I walked into the filled hall. I was suddenly freezing all over with nerves. WHERE DID ALL OF THESE PEOPLE COME FROM?! They all looked like important people too!! Did I look okay? Did I mess up my hair again? I quickly patted it down just in case.

"Good late-evening Respected Miss Chióni," they all greeted in unison, bowing low.

I just stood there awkwardly, clutching onto the sides of the icy-blue dress for some kind of comfort. I forced a smile on my face and returned the bow. I spotted Prince Astrân who still had that blank expression on his face. I flashed him a smile to show that I had taken his advise and worn the dress he wanted me to but he seemed to brush me off. Again.

"Good late-evening everyone. I'm Chióni Azalea, and it is an honour to meet all of you tonight thanks to his Majesty," I shyly smiled after Camellia showed me to my seat.

It was at the head of the table... Everyone would be able to see me clearly! And the Emperor was seated at the other end, now dressed in a soft, purple robe. All of these important people but yet I was at the head...? The seat to my right was still empty. That's right...

...Seventh Minister wasn't present!

"We should introduce ourselves!" suggested one of the lively Princes.

I felt a little tug in my heart because he reminded me of Dhor's cheerfulness...

"Well, I'll go first! I'm Foxe Chrysós, the eighth son. I'll be eighteen in a month. Say, let's get along, Miss Chióni," he said, his amber eyes sparkling.

I beamed, mostly because I admired his boldness and he was attractive just like every one of his other brothers. 

"I'm Agòn Chrysós, the sixth son. I'm 25 at the moment," smiled Agòn, making me want to faint at his handsomeness.

"We've already met. I'm 26 by the way," mumbled Astrân, looking at me for once.

"Aystlle. 27 years old just this summer," grinned Aystlle, combing his fingers through his hair.

"Cabiôs. 27. Aystlle's better half," winked Aystlle's identical twin.

I never realised there were twins in the family... Well, I've mostly just been obsessed with the Seventh Minister so that's where the problem lay...

"Lymone's the name. I'm 28 this year," he murmured, seeming exhausted.

"I'm Miller. Second oldest and I'm 29," informed Miller, who looked amazingly mature!

"Rèith. I had to cope all these years with these guys for brothers... I'm 31 years old," sighed Rèith who was by far the calmest of them all.

"Hey, what is Teí attending at this hour? He should be here," mumbled Foxe.

Then the door opened on cue, the wind howling loudly as it did and there stood an exhausted-looking Teí stepping into the room as the rain pounded down behind him.

"Here. Sorry, I'm late," he apologized, closing the door.

The rain had totally soaked him and all eyes were now on him as he tore off his cloak, leaving it on the hook of the door.

He gave me a sweet smile, running his hand through his hair, making him a billion times more handsome! I immediately stood up and out of habit I rushed over to him, although that was quite difficult with the long dress. I hadn't even noticed the eyes that followed me as I did.

"You came here on foot?" I worried, taking his hands in mine to try and heat him up.

"I guess so... I'll probably catch a cold but that's about it," he murmured, sounding unconcerned about himself.

"Huh? Isn't that bad?" I gasped as he linked my fingers with his.

He drew closer to me, not caring that a whole table of over fifty guests was watching us and Miss Camellia rushed out to fetch a towel, probably just wanting to escape the situation.

"I've got you to take care of me after all." I blinked at him but he only came closer. "And you're looking gorgeous in that dress, Azalea," he whispered gently into my ear.

I blushed, unable to control the red colour that ran across my face. I quickly hid into his chest. He only laughed, touching my hair gently. Then I realised...

When have I ever been so close to the Seventh Minister?

I coughed and hastily broke away from him as someone coughed. Miss Camellia promptly came back and handed the prince the towel before giving me a friendly smile, backing away slightly.

"Shoot," I mumbled, biting my lip hard, somehow making him laugh as he dried his hair.

We gazed at each other for a while and I began wondering if the potion he had made was a love potion after all. Miss Camellia took the towel and went to return it.

"Where were you anyway?" 


"Wow! Teí finally fell in love with someone," teased Rèith.

I went crimson then started to turn to head back to my seat, avoiding the amused glances everyone sent our way. Teí took his seat beside me and then gave Rèith a defensive look.

"Love is a little too weak for a label for my feelings towards Azalea," he said, his eyes set on me now.

Yikes!! The potion...!

"He even calls her by her name," smirked Rèith, looking at the two of us in turn.

"We can still fight for her hand in marriage, it's not like he's asked her yet, right?" suggested Foxe, suddenly looking determined.

My breath got stuck in my throat.

"True...she is beyond our image of beauty and she's also perfect on every aspect," agreed Agòn, leaning against his chair and fixing his gaze on me.

Eh? What was going on?

"I never said I'd give her to you," Foxe muttered, giving his brother a glare.

Then Astrân thumped them both on their heads.

"We're in the middle of an important meeting. Can't we work this out for later?" he sighed, also finding my eyes.

He was in it too then?

"Good luck with these guys," murmured Teí beside me, sipping his drink.

I was so grateful that he was there but that still didn't change the fact that all of the brothers were now staring at me!

I sensed danger.


"So you told me that if there was another option, you would accept, right?" rechecked the Emperor, looking at me from the other end of the room.

I was in the middle of eating and just managed an awkward nod, chewing faster.

"Then what if we moved your home to Autumn?" he decided, looking closely at me.

I nearly choked. He'd go through all that trouble?!

"Well...if you can manage to get her every herb in existence, I'm pretty sure you have her," suggested Teí, sighing.

" Miss Chióni a herbalist?" asked Miller, his eyes soft.

Astrân looked at me too, raising an eyebrow and I could tell he was impressed.

"I guessed so too. Your scent resembles the winter herbs that grow in the most secluded places, Chióni," he pointed out, a smile curling on his lips.

He looked even more handsome now! He didn't look cold like before, instead, his smile was warm, almost making the whole room brighten up.

"That's cheating, Astrân! How close were you to be able to tell that?" grumbled Aystlle, crossing his arms.

Astrân grinned, making Aystylle grumble even louder. Meanwhile, Teí stifled a laugh as I turned a deep shade of red.

"I'll be the closest to her," replied Astrân, sighing.

And how close will that be?

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