Chapter Fourteen

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Wednesday 21 November, evening, Land of Seven Winters.

We were all chatting in the living room as Teí hauled the luggage into the horse-drawn carriage outside in the snow. I decided to go and help.

"I'll make sure that we meet again," promised Foxe holding both of my hands and looking deep into my eyes.

I smiled a little, it was hard not to see him as a younger brother right now even though he was a lot taller than me... I reached out to gently pat his head.

"It's okay, we will," I told him, loving his soft hair under my palm.

I saw his face go a little red and then I realised everyone was looking at me.

"You're giving the brat way too much hope that it worries me," stated Agòn, obviously jealous.

"Please understand that he does genuinely love you," reminded Miller, getting a fake sympathetic smile from Astrân who had always been eating apples ever since I could remember.

I looked back to Foxe, his eyes bright and hopeful... Oh...

"It's alright, I understand," I murmured silently, letting my hand leave the comforting hair.

"Oh well, since Foxe has already got his special treatment, what about us?" mumbled a distressed Cabiôs.

I gulped, suddenly realising how major my simple act was to them. They wouldn't rest until I did something, right?

"O-okay, anything you want," I assured, watching as Teí stored the luggage into the carriage outside.

Astrân stood up.

"I'm going last and I specifically want a kiss on my cheek," he said, making the others gawk at him.

My heart quickened again as I blushed. The last time I had kissed a boy, it didn't end up too well...

"Right. But just you," I conditioned just in case everyone else asked for the same thing.

Astrân gave all the others a triumphant grin, making them all stare coldly at him.

"I'll give everyone else a farewell hug, sound okay?" I checked, making my way up to Rèith whose smile brightened up my entire soul immediately!

He held me into a warm hug that was more passionate than I thought it would ever be. I blushed as I listened to his comforting heartbeat as he held me closer, it felt so amazing that I was a little sad when we broke apart again...

Miller was next. His soft chestnut eyes found mine and I found it a little hard to breathe properly as I offered him the hug. I was blushing uncontrollably as I was being wrapped in a cosy hug, one that made it seem as if it was only meant for people in romantic relationships.

"Awww," grinned Ecer, walking into the living room with his four other sisters.

Blossom clapped excitedly.

"So Miller wins after all?" she quizzed, watching as we finally broke apart.

Lymone sighed, looking at Princess Blossom.

"Do you think we'd let that happen this easily?" he grumbled, staring at her.

Blossom laughed straight into his face, purposely trying to annoy him as her sisters were served by the maids.

"Why are annoying?" muttered Lymone, his eyes flickering at her.

I giggled a little, going to Aystlle next.

"Please stay safe, okay?" he said gently, holding me closer to him.

All I could think about now was his sweet smell of Autumn as he enveloped me away from the sound of the others and all I could hear was our hearts racing against each other...

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