Chapter Twenty

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"I darre you to tell him about the virrrus. Don't you know that we'll both be killed?"

I shut my eyes firmly with the loud and painful throb that echoed in my head. I stirred uncomfortably, groaning as the pain got worse. I snapped, rapidly slapping the side of my head gently in hope that the annoying sensation would disperse.

"Leave me alone, you annoying piece of crap!" I ordered the voice inside my head which only sneered and mocked me continuously.

Shutting my eyes even tighter to the point of tears, I silently prayed, wrapping the blankets around my quaking body. I hoped not to see the wicked face of my provoker as she murmured bitter secrets into my ear.

"You want me to leave?" asked Teí's voice, shattering the illusion that had set in my mind, causing my head to go completely blank again.

Using all my courage, I forced myself to open my eyes and even though it was obviously Teí's voice that spoke to me, I still feared that I'd see a malicious monster crouching over to tease me with bright red eyes.

"No, no. Not you, Teí," I sighed, my shoulders slumping as I gave up on trying to fight the thing that was definitely beating me up with this certain headache.

"Who then?" he questioned once I finally opened my eyes properly.

Filled with fear from her promise earlier, I shook my head, defending the stranger who was still causing my headache. I tried to come up with an excuse as he fixed his eyes on me. His eyes were firm, burning with the colour of the fire of Autumn, looking at nothing else but me.

"Are you sure you're okay?" he checked, wanting nothing else but the truth.

My heart fluttered, lifting up with a feeling of joy as I detected the extreme concern in his eyes. I felt too blessed to make the Seventh Minister worry over me. Then I gave a small nod, crossing my fingers behind my back as I lied.

"I'm okay," I squeaked, watching as he clearly expressed disbelief.

"You fainted... You were trembling as though you were drowning in ice... Am I just meant to ignore that and believe that you're okay?" he asked, folding his arms as he inspected me for any more lies.

I nearly spoke again, wanting to be honest with him but that thing screamed into my ear again, as if it knew exactly what I was going to do... It was now wrapping its hands around my neck, choking me with the intention of killing me.

"If you darrre tell him I'd have to kill him afterrwards!"

I fought for my breath as I found his distraught eyes again and I felt tormented as I kept coughing.

"O-okay! I get it already...," I gasped, shutting my eyes tight as tears of pain ran down my face.

I felt Teí take hold of me, snapping me away from the pain. He was in front of me, peeking into my eyes like he wasn't ever going to let me blink again. I went bright red, scrambling back from him.

"Who are you talking to?" he puzzled, only coming closer again as I pressed myself to the wall behind me.

" one," I stammered, my heart racing as he continued to look at me, obviously waiting for the truth.

My eyes fell to his wrist. It was bandaged. Bandaged...

I panicked, taking hold of his wrist, "Wh-What happened to your wrist?"

"Um...I tried some of the ice mixtures on top of your desk and it stuck onto my skin and well, the ice burned through it," he shrugged, looking unbothered by the fact that he had just lost some of his flesh!

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