Chapter 27

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I couldn't believe I was so stupid to almost say the L word. Nicole let out a deep breath and smiled. "Jen, it's ok. I get it. I know it's kind of fast to use such a strong word, but it can happen, right? I mean, who wouldn't fall in love with him? He's funny, sweet, smart, famous, and lets not forget, he's got some serious bank!" She laughed. "Here I am trying to convince you that Luke would be a better fit, but I didn't realize you were actually in love with Jared!"

The smile left my face with her comment about Jared's money. That was the last thing I cared about. "Nicole, I could give a fuck about his money or the fact that he's famous. It's not like that for me. I like him for who he is and how he makes me feel." She rolled her eyes at my words, like she thought I was stupid or something. "Seriously, I've been around money. Do you know who my boss is? Even Luke isn't like that. He's very humble and doesn't use his celebrity status to impress me or anyone else, he doesn't have to."

She finished her coffee and placed the mug in the sink. "So, what did you and Luke do last night?" She wiggled her eyebrows as if to suggest that I slept with him.

"He comforted me, like a true friend does when you're hurting or confused. It's embarrassing to be stood up, but I'm sure it never happens to you. Men just fall at your feet, even when unwanted."

She threw her head back and chuckled. "No, it doesn't happen to me, but you did right. Luke is a great choice. Let Jared go, he's not one to be in a monogamous relationship and that's what you're looking for, right? I know you Jen and I say these things not to hurt your feelings, but because do I love you. Trust me, have you seen Jared's track record? He's a train wreck."

"I love you too Nic, but Luke is like family to me and I could NEVER look at him in that way. I can't help how I feel though, about Jared. I wish I could make my feelings fade away, but I don't think that's possible." She just didn't get it, but she may be right about Jared to some degree. "I'll back off and if he wants to see me, he knows where I am."

"See, that's my girl. Don't let any man walk all over you. Look, I've got a great idea! Let's go out tomorrow night, have a girls night out. What do you say?"

"Yeah, maybe I could use a night out." I decided that I wouldn't contact Jared again. If he wanted to see me, then he could come to me, and if not, then I knew where we stood. "Ok, I'm going to take a nap if that's ok with you. I didn't get much sleep last night."

"Sure! Go ahead, I was just going to go out to the pool for a bit."

I left the bedroom door open and laid down on my bed. I knew that Nicole was right, he did have that bad boy reputation and I was stupid to think that he would change for me. I just fall way too fast and I need to back off. Luke felt the same way about this whole Jared thing. My mind filled with thoughts of how stupid I must seem to them. Poor little Jenny, can't control her emotions. I eventually dozed off.

The sound of a male voice startled me and I bolted upright. I was coming down the hallway and after listening closely, I realized that it was actually Jared's voice. Nicole was telling him that I was asleep and she wasn't going to wake me. "Jared, I've told you, she's asleep! I'll have her call you later. Now go!"

"It's ok, Nic." She jumped, clearly startled when hearing my voice coming from behind her. "Let him in." I said, and she made no attempt to hide her annoyance at his presence. She made sure to slide her bikini clad body between him and the door frame on her way out to the pool.

"Whatever!" She said loudly. "Just remember, I warned you."

He stepped inside and closed the door behind him. "Hi." He moved closer with both hands shoved in his pockets. "Warned you? What is she talking about?"

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