Chapter 36

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Luke had been relentless with the questions on the plane and before we landed, he knew the whole awful story. I knew that I must look pathetic to him, sitting there crying like a baby as I told him the events of Friday night, but I couldn't help it.
How did he see what Nicole really was and I missed it?

He went easy on me and I was lucky that he spared me the I told you so's, but still, once we finally landed I had to be alone. My emotions were all over the place just knowing that I would have no place to run to for an escape once we were at the studio.

After I was checked into the hotel and went to my room to change my clothes, I had to get something to eat. I picked up my phone and purse before walking out the door and closing it behind me. Turning the corner, I stared down at the floor as I walked toward the elevators and unfortunately ran smack into Jared. My breath caught in my throat and rather than give him any kind of reaction, I simply backed up and walked around him.

"Jennifer, please wait." He followed me to the elevator. Ignoring him, I stared straight ahead and pressed the button. Why is it that when you're desperate to escape someone, everything seems to be happening in slow motion? It took forever for the damn elevator to arrive and when the doors did finally open, he stepped into the door small, confined space with me. I refused to be in a small closed in area with him, so I got out. "I'll just follow you until you hear me out. It's not like I have to go anywhere, I'm on this floor too."

I went for the stairs, but he was right behind me, so I walked back to my room. He kept talking as I slid the key card. The door opened and I rushed inside, slamming it right in his face. Leaning against the back of the door, I could feel the vibration in my back with every knock. I had a lot to say to him, but I wasn't ready.

My appetite had been poor over the last few days and I knew that I looked like shit when Luke approached me at the airport, but I had to get myself together. The last thing I wanted to do was look a mess when he saw me at the studio. I knew that the sadness would pass and anger would set in at some point. That's what I needed to happen, but who knows when it would.

I ended up ordering room service for dinner. Since I stupidly brought no luggage, I also had to get my shit together and go shopping. I wasn't looking forward to it at all. Unfortunately, I couldn't eat much of the food that I ordered, but I did drink the wine... all of it.

Luke came to check on me and I was drunk, so drunk in fact, he was afraid to leave me alone. "You're coming back to my room." I vaguely remember him dragging me down the hall to his room.

Once inside, I laughed, slurring every word. "You jus want to spank me for getting drunk." I stumbled over to the bed, pulling my top off and bending over the mattress. "What're the rules, this time Jared? Come on, spank me!"

He moved closer and pulled me upright. "Jennifer Evans! I don't know what kind of crazy shit you're into, and I don't want to know! Put your blouse back on!" He pulled the purple top back over my head and grabbed my wrist, holding me upright.
"You're taking the bed and I'll be on the couch." It was late and after wrapping my arms around his neck and shoving my tongue in his mouth, he turned down my repeated advances. I fell asleep in his arms, my head against his chest with his hand rubbing up and down my back. I cried as he consoled me, telling me how beautiful I am, and how he would never take advantage of me like that. He whispered that he loves me like a brother loves his sister and promised me that everything was going to be ok. He confided that he was genuinely concerned about my well being and would gut a motherfucker if needed. The last thing I remembered was him telling me to close my eyes.

I woke up feeling like I had been hit by a train. Glancing over to the left, I cringed. "Oh my God. Luke, I'm so sorry about last night." He was sitting in the chair, drinking coffee and reading the newspaper.

"It's fine. I couldn't leave you by yourself in that room." He never even looked at me. "Pull it together woman, I can't have my PA falling apart on me. I need you to be ok Jennifer."

"I am, no more drinking. I have to go shopping today since I didn't bring any clothes." I sat up straight and put my bare feet on the carpeted floor. "I don't feel so good."

"I don't doubt that." He nodded toward the dresses laying over the back of a chair and a few bags on the floor near the door. "I bought you a few things and I hope everything fits." He took another sip of his coffee.

"You didn't have to do that. I planned on going last night, but drank way too much instead." I walked over to look through the bags. I was impressed with his taste, but quickly realized that these were very expensive clothes. "I don't know what to say. Thank you."

"You're welcome. Just promise me that you will take better care of yourself. Why don't you go shower and change. You need food in that stomach." He said, staring at me. I turned and walked over to him. "You aren't going to try and kiss me again, are you?" He frowned, accepting my hug.

I covered my face. "Oh God, I'm so sorry!" I was so embarrassed by my actions last night. How could I allow myself to get so trashed?

"One question though. Did he really spank you?" The smirk on his face just knowing that I asked him to spank me last night was a punishment all on its own. "I'm sorry, I had to throw a little humiliation in there for actually having to check your bra size. That's sort of crossing the line for me." He was laughing so hard.

"Am I attractive Luke?"

Tilting his head to the side, he smiled. "Jennifer, I was attracted to you from the moment I saw you. My very first intention was to ask you out, but then I watched you in action. You were running that place all alone that night and I was impressed. I had been looking for to hire someone for weeks, and I made the decision right there that I wanted you, not as a girlfriend, but as my assistant. Don't you understand that if you had turned me down for the job, you most certainly would have ended up in my bed that night? In a way I'm glad you didn't, because who knows if the relationship would have lasted. This way, you will always be in my life. No matter what happens, you are like a sister to me."

With tears in my eyes, I nodded. I picked up the dresses and bags of clothing, slipped my shoes back on, and stepped into the hallway. Luke, still shirtless, hugged me tightly and walked me to the door. When he opened it, he followed me out and called out. "What a night! Morning Jared." I knew what this looked like. I was leaving my half naked boss' room in the early morning hours and I couldn't help the grin that spread across my face, hearing Luke's voice change. Clearly, he was putting on quite a performance himself.

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