Chapter 39

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I nervously paced back and forth in my room, trying to decide what to wear on my date with Logan. Sitting on the edge of the bed in my towel, I looked at my choices. It was our first date and I thought that I'd just dress casual. The white skinny jeans and blue top were my favorite, so that's what I chose. While I was out shopping yesterday, I found the perfect heels to go with this outfit.

I got myself dressed and was in the middle of applying my makeup when I heard loud knocking on the door. "Who is it?" I called out, not wanting to move from the mirror.

"It's me." I heard Luke's deep voice on the other side of the door.

"Hang on." I walked out of the bathroom and opened the door. "Hey, what are you doing here?"

He smiled and stepped inside. "Just came to wish you luck on your date." He grinned, taking a seat in the chair by the window.

"Awww, that's so sweet of you. You're all dressed up. Going out?" I walked back to the bathroom mirror to finish getting ready.

"Actually, I have a date too."

I peeked around the door. "Really? With who?" I stared at him, waiting for his answer, curious because he broke it off with the skinny blonde that he was seeing before we went home for a break.

"Her name is Phoebe and I met her while shopping for your clothing." He looked out the window at the city. "She was in the same store and either didn't recognize me, or pretended she didn't have a clue who I was."

I knew that Luke had an issue with meeting people that weren't always genuine. They knew who he was and immediately flirted with him because of what they thought he could do for them. "That's what you want, right? How old is she? What does she look like?"

He laughed. "She's 34, and no Jen, she's not a model. I know that's going to be your next question. She's red head, and seems very sweet."

My boss knew me well, but in my own defense, he has some kind of addiction to dating models. Yes, they are beautiful, but anything but genuine, at least not the ones from his past. "You know me too well. Hey Luke, Logan is a nice guy, right? I mean, there are no crazy ex-girlfriends that will pop up like Houdini, or he isn't like you know who?"

I was almost finished with my hair when Luke leaned against the doorframe. "You look beautiful, Jen." He could really be sweet sometimes.

"Thank you, but that wasn't the answer to my question."

Folding his arms, he looked down. "I don't know of any crazies and I don't think he's 'like you know who.' He's always been a decent guy as far as I know. Stop looking for things to go wrong. Go out and have a good time, you deserve it."

I turned off the light and walked over to the table next to the bed. My phone was still on the charger and I pulled the wire out and shoved the phone in my purse. "He's meeting me in the lobby at eight."

"Oh? I'll walk you down." I told Luke earlier that Logan was picking me up at eight and had a feeling that he wanted to walk me down to the lobby. It was very sweet, but completely unnecessary.

We stepped off the elevator and there he was, just as handsome as ever. His back was to me and he was looking out the ceiling to floor window. "Logan." I called out, watching a smile appear on his face. I was looking forward to his company tonight. It would be a fantastic distraction and I would get to know a nice guy.

"Jennifer, you look great." He leaned in for a hug. "Smell great, too."

"Thanks." His hand moved to my lower back as he greeted Luke, shaking his hand.

"Good to see you. Don't worry Luke, I'll take good care of her."

Luke looked at me. "I know you will. If you guys will excuse me, I see a beautiful woman waiting for me." I watched him walk across the lobby to the slim redhead in the black dress.

Logan moved his hand up and down my back. "You ready, beautiful?"

I turned back to face him. "Yes, I think so." We turned to walk out of the entrance to the hotel. Jared was walking in with a blonde. The smile was quickly replaced with a frown and I could see Logan's expression change out the corner of my eye.

"Jared, good to see you again." Logan called out as he walked passed us with a smirk on his face. He was holding her hand and they were walking toward the elevators. Jared never even responded with words, just a nod. Even though I was still hurting from what he and Nicole did to me, my heart still ached for him. Logan guided me out to the taxi and I slid into the back seat. My brain went into overdrive and I prayed that what was going on inside my head didn't show on my face.

I could hear Logan talking in the background, but I was so lost in thought. His hand on my knee finally made me look over at him. "I was asking if sushi was ok."

"I'm sorry, yes, of course." I knew that no matter how nice or how handsome Logan was, my mind would still be on what was happening back at the hotel, inside Jared's room. That smirk on his face as he walked by would stay with me through the night.

By the time we were seated at our table, I was already regretting the decision to go out with him. It became painfully obvious that I was using him. "Tell me about yourself. I mean I know you're from Vegas, and I know you're single, but tell me more."

"What exactly did you want to know?" I took a sip of my water.

The waitress came to our table and even though I knew I wouldn't eat much, I ordered. Just as she was walking away, he smiled, folding his arms and leaning on the table. "Tell me what did you do before getting lucky enough to work for Luke?"

"I worked at a hotel, in fact, it's where I met Luke. How about you? What did you do before becoming an actor?" I didn't want to talk about the days of working at the hotel at all. They would only stir up more memories.

"I worked for my father. He has a construction company and I did that for a few years, but it wasn't what I really wanted to do." He looked around the room. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure." I said nervously.

"Do you see children in your future?" Thank God I wasn't drinking because I would have spit it out, all over the table. Did he really just ask me that? He tilted his head, "I'm just curious, but I have to be honest with you, I'm looking for a woman that's ready to settle down. One that doesn't mind staying home and raise the children while I continue to work. I intend to work as long as I can, but I want it all, the wife, the kids, and the career." He laughed. "I realize that's a lot of information for a first date, but it's important for you to know what I'm looking for."

As if things weren't already uncomfortable enough. "Thanks for the heads up. Uh, yeah, I'd like children at some point, maybe. I love to work and I'm not sure if I'd make a good stay at home mom." I knew that wasn't what he wanted to hear and it was like a deciding factor for a second date. Dinner was awkward and he walked me to my room. I knew that I'd probably not see him again.

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