Chapter 29 Nicole

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Jennifer left me alone all night yet again. I tried texting her when I woke up, but didn't get a reply until noon, saying she had been busy. Up to this point, my vacation had been quite the waste of time, and I had the feeling that I'd be going back to Vegas with only one story to tell, if it depended on her. With the exception of that night in London, nothing interesting was happening, and I had Jennifer to blame that on.

My flight was booked for the next day, and there was one more thing I had to do, so I'd have to start working on it soon. This whole trip was planned around one person, Jared, and I wasn't leaving without getting what I came here for. I had a few ideas, I just needed fate to give me a little helping hand.

This boring town had nothing interesting going on, so Jen and I decided to take our night out to L.A. The club in question was well attended, usually by Hollywood A-listers and filthy rich heirs, exactly my kind of place, so I couldn't wait to see who I might run into. Luke managed to put our names on the guest list, his agent's partner owned the club so it was easy to get us in.

"Nice red." Jen complemented my nails, as I sat on the couch, gently coating my fingertips with the blood red color, when she walked in the living room.

"It matches the soles of my shoes!" I provoked her, shooting a glance at her Forever 21 type attire. She was so immature and boring.

Everything about Jennifer was dull. From her unstyled hair, to her lightly applied makeup, and the plain navy blue dress. I wish I could go inside Jared's mind and understand what he saw in her.

"Wow! You look ... Wow!" She muttered as I stood on my feet and revealed my strapless, sequin embroidered mini black dress.

"I believe the word you're looking for is hot! Thanks, hun! You look very cute! Did you call the cab? I'm ready!" I knew I sounded condescending, but whatever.
Jennifer promised not to drink, saying she would have a busy afternoon with Luke the next day. I played the hurt friend card, telling her that I needed to have fun with my best friend and asked if she could make an exception. Of course the idiot agreed to think about it and called a taxi, instead of taking her car. This woman was a complete bore. If we weren't drinking, this girls night out could easily have taken place in a museum.

We arrived at the club, and the line at the front door was ridiculous. Jennifer walked ahead of me and gave our names to a six and a half foot tall man, wearing black suit and an earpiece. He immediately gave us entry.

The music was loud and I could feel it beating in my chest. The place was crowded, but not so much that we couldn't walk around as we darted up to the bar to get the party started.
"You are drinking, right? Don't tell me you're not. Look at this place! It's demanding a wild night. Please, Jen! I promise to hold your hair back if you throw up!" I insisted as we approached the counter.

"Ew, gross! I haven't had that much to drink in ages." She laughed. Of course you haven't, you tedious bitch, I thought to myself, and she continued. "Okay, one cocktail! Maybe two, if it tastes good."

"Yay." I squealed.

I ordered a mojito, and she got herself a mai tai, then we headed for the dance floor. We danced for a while, and I was surprised at how much fun I was having, even with her. There were some random guys coming to join us, and as much as I would encourage them, Jennifer would push them away, as if she owed Jared anything. I tried talking her into returning this tall blond guy's attention, but she simply said she wasn't interested.

I was ready for another drink, so I pulled her back to the bar. She said that she had enough, but I convinced her to get another one, and as she took the first sip, her eyes widened and she waved her arm at someone.

"Oh my, that's Shannon, Jared's big brother!" She told me. "Shannon!" She shouted, and waved her hand again. The man had a wide smile across his face as he walked fast toward us.

"Hey, Jennifer, good to see you." He leaned in and gave her a quick hug, but then his eyes turned to me. He was so damn hot! Well done, mama Leto!

"Shannon, this is my good friend, Nicole." He shook my hand, and invited us to join him and his friends in the VIP area.

"Guys, this is Jennifer and Nicole, my new friends. Jennifer is my brother's girl, so sorry, but she's off limits to the two of you." He told them, and winked at her.
Jen's wide smile was ridiculous, as if Shannon's words really meant anything. She was way up in that Jared cloud. When was she going to realize that she was just a fuck to him?

We danced and talked for a while, and Shannon was giving me a lot of attention, so I decided to return it. He danced so well, but he spoke to me so sweetly. I played his little game. He flirted hard, and I flirted right back, trying my best to seem shy and adorable, because I figured that's what he wanted, and it worked.

When he asked me to join him on the dance floor, I didn't hesitate. I asked Jennifer if she would be ok if I left her, and she couldn't be happier that Shannon and I were getting along so well.

He wouldn't take his eyes off me, as his body moved to the music. Without saying another word, his hands wrapped around my waist and I slipped mine around his neck, while our bodies swayed to the beat. I was ready to take his lips, but thought better of it. If I was going to do the shy girl routine, I would have to make him work for it. Only, I didn't know just how good this guy was. He leaned forward, and as his nose grazed the tip of mine, his lips brushed softly against my own. His minty breath took over my mouth, and I couldn't resist him any longer.

His arms banded my body tightly, and I grabbed a fistful of his hair as our mouths devoured each other. My tongue swirled around his, and his hands knew exactly what to do as they worked their way up and down my spine. That kiss was so fucking good, but I still couldn't help thinking, wrong Leto.

As our lips parted, I told him I'd be wanting another drink and he was more than happy to oblige. I walked back to the VIP area, and saw Jennifer holding a different drink than the one she had before. I thought I might have to hold her hair up at the end of the night after all. She hugged me and told me how happy she was that I had hooked Shannon, making me realize how tipsy she already was.

When Shannon returned with my drink, he said something I wasn't really expecting.
"You want to go back to my place? I'd love to get to know you a little better." He asked, then kissed me again.

"Oh my God." I exclaimed, looking down at the floor and trying to sound shocked. "I can't, I'm here with Jen, I can't leave her alone." I lied. Of course I could. I didn't want to say yes right away, but hell yes, I wanted to get to know him better.

"Come on, I'll drop Jen off at Jared's on the way. She'll be fine." He convinced me. He didn't have to try that hard. Shannon was hot and I could certainly make an exception for him amidst my little Jared plan.

I told Jen what was happening and she was very happy to do as Shannon said. Pathetic! Jared would be getting sick of her soon enough and she was the only one that didn't see it.

Once in the car, Shannon began dialing and I knew that it was Jared he was calling. I listened intently as he spoke. "Jared, I ran into your girl at the club." One hand on the wheel and the other holding his phone to his head, he listened as his brother answered. "Well, I kind of need to drop her off to you." God, to be able to hear what Jared was saying. I had to hide the smile that was threatening to spread across my face. Jen was making this much easier than I anticipated.

"Well, that's a problem you need to take care of and now, we are less than ten minutes away." Even though he didn't come right out and say it, I knew that Jared must have had company. I looked back at Jen passed the hell out and thought to myself, you stupid bitch, he's fucking other women.

"Right here." He glanced over at me and I knew that Jared was talking about me. I swear to God, if he ruins this.. "I'm a big boy, you worry about yourself and your own little problem. See ya in a few." He disconnected the call and looked over at me. "Sorry about that. He wasn't expecting company tonight."

I pulled my phone out and turned off the volume. Turned on my GPS so that when we arrived at Jared's. I'd have his address and I was going to need it tomorrow before I went back to Vegas.

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