Chapter 37

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"What the fuck is this?" Jared asked, standing there, angrily glaring at me.

I erased my smile, looking straight up at him, then turned to Luke, unsure if I wanted to go along with his insinuation. "Thanks for the clothes. I'll let you know when I'm ready." I spoke softly, trying to ignore Jared.

His eyes were blazing, and I could almost picture his jaw tightening under his stubble covered chin. I walked around him without looking at him again, and headed to my room.

"You didn't answer my question, Jennifer! What the fuck! You're sleeping with Luke now, is that what it is?" He asked, darting behind me, as I strode down the hall. I still didn't hear Luke's door close shut, so I knew he was protectively watching our exchange.

I still wasn't ready to talk to him, and as angry as I had woken up, I doubted I would ever be. I smelled his cologne, and felt a soft breeze on my neck as he walked behind me. "You can't be sleeping with him! You love me, remember?" He reminded me of my stupid, drunk statement that had probably started this whole mess. He sounded hurt and pathetic, and even though my heart was clenching with the sound of his voice, I was happy to hear the despair in his tone.

I heard his deep breaths, as I unsuccessfully scanned my key card through the lock. "Jen, I'm a mess!" His voice cracked, and I saw, from the corner of my eyes, him turn his back to me and stand by the window on the opposite side of the hallway that overlooked London's skyline.

The door finally unlocked and as I pulled it open, I felt his hand on my forearm, and he tugged me back into the hall with him.
"Did you do this to get back at me? Is that your idea of revenge?" He asked, with squinting his eyes, and for the first time my eyes stopped at his, but I still couldn't bring myself to speak.

I tried to escape his grip, but he was too strong, so I stopped fighting, staring down at the carpeted floor. "Fucking talk to me!" He shouted, grabbing my shoulder and turning my body to face me. I couldn't believe that Mr. privacy was causing such a scene in a public hotel. If he didn't watch himself, someone may call the authorities, or worse, the paparazzi.

"You have nothing to say that could possibly interest me." I finally responded.

"You can't ignore me forever. Five minutes." He gripped my arms painfully tight as he spoke. "After this little walk of shame of yours, you owe me that much."

"I owe you nothing, Jared." I scoffed. "Now let go of my arms, you're hurting me!" I demanded loudly.

"Not until you allow me to explain!"

"Don't touch her like that! Don't you dare fucking touch her." Luke's voice filled the elevator hall, as he walked toward us, and pushed Jared's shoulder, making him back up a couple of steps. "You're way out of line here!" He proceeded, pointing his finger at Jared. In all my years with Luke, I couldn't recall ever seeing him this upset.

"It's ok Luke. I've got this." I held on Luke's arm to prevent him from doing something he'd regret later. "He's not worth it." I told him, aware that he knew what I was talking about. "I'm going to take a shower, I'll call you in a few."

I finally stepped into my room and closed the door, leaving a mouth-opened Jared alone with my angry boss. Once the door was closed between us, my heart clenched and I was confused at what just had happened, and surprisingly much angrier than before.

After spending a few days drowning my sorrows, I decided that I was done crying. Anger took over where sadness left off and if Jared wanted to think that I slept with Luke, I was going to let him. Luke was hot and always had women wanting to hook up with him, so if Jared chose to assume things, so be it.

Running into Jared was actually a good thing, the anger I felt toward him helped me forget about my embarrassing behavior last night. I pulled the most expensive pair of jeans that I now owned out of the bag. The pink top was cute, damn, Luke had really good taste.

After my shower, I got dressed and called Luke. He told me that he was going to come to my room, he didn't want to chance another run in with Jared in the hallway. I wasn't thinking. Any embarrassment involving me, would undoubtedly cause embarrassment for him as well.

I waited patiently until I heard his knock and walked out with him. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck. "Thank you so much for last night. Any other man would have taken advantage of me, but not you. You're a great boss and one of the nicest guys I've ever met."

"I can't have anything happen to you, without having you manage my schedule, I'd be lost." He chuckled as he released me and I playfully smacked his arm. He promised to tell me what happened between Jared and himself  over breakfast. He chose a nice little cafe not far from our hotel. Since the weather was nice we were able to walk the few blocks.

"Are you going to tell me what happened now?" I was dying to hear what Luke said to Jared.

"I told him that what you do no longer-" In mid-conversation Luke was greeted by a very handsome guy. He stood to greet him and they got to talking. All of a sudden Luke realized that I was next to him. "I'm so sorry, this is my PA, Jennifer."

He shook my hand. "Hi, I'm Logan." God, he was very handsome and oddly familiar. Logan's brown eyes and dimples assured he had to be a hit with the ladies.

"Nice to meet you." I shook his hand.

"Jen, Logan is also an actor and is filming not far from our studio. It's an action film, right?" He asked, looking at Logan. Now I remembered him! I saw the trailer for a horror film he starred in a while back.

"It is. I'll have to drop by and see you guys if I have time. I heard that Jared Leto is here filming with you. Is that true?" I couldn't help my eye roll and turned to face Luke so that Logan didn't see it.

"He's here. You sort of resemble him a bit, in an odd kind of way, maybe when he was younger." Luke giggled.

He made a face and shrugged. "So I've been told. Still trying to decide if that's a compliment or an insult." He laughed.

"Definitely a compliment." I knew that I was flirting, but hell, I was single and after the spectacle I made of myself in front of Luke, what did I have to lose?

"Logan, you should join us." Luke said, and as he agreed, sat next to me, Luke looked at his watch. "Shit, I have to run. I'm late for that appointment, I completely forgot about it. See you guys later."

Logan looked at me and winked.
"He did that on purpose, didn't he. I certainly don't mind breakfast with a beautiful woman." Logan gave me a sweet smile. All I could think was here we go again...

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