Chapter 56

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"Things are just way too perfect and I keep waiting for something bad to happen that will ruin it." I said, brushing my hair and looking at Jared's reflection in the mirror. He was being so sweet and gentle lately and it made me wonder where cocky, dominant Jared went, not that I wasn't thoroughly enjoying him this way, but I knew he was in there somewhere. Getting up early this morning was harsh, but being pampered with breakfast in bed more than made up for it. Yes, I could definitely get used to this.

He moved behind me and wrapped his arms around me. "Baby nothing bad is going to happen so stop thinking like that. We just had a great weekend with your parents and now it's your turn to meet my mother tonight. Things will only get better from here."

"Now I'm the one who's nervous." I was excited, but at the same time a little worried. I guess that everyone goes through this. It's natural to feel this way, I attempted to reassure myself.

"And for absolutely no reason. She will love you and you'll see that tonight will also be perfect." He pushed the hair off of my shoulder and kissed my neck before letting go of me. With a smack to my ass he grinned. "I don't want to hear anymore about bad things happening. Positive thoughts generate positive feelings, Jennifer, so let's not get negative now."

"You're right." I took a deep breath and slipped my feet into my heels. "I have a change of clothes over here that's a positive thing, right?"

"Definitely positive." I could hear him say as he walked out of the room.

Thirty minutes later he walked me out to my car. I knew that with the rest of the week's work schedule I would be busy and wouldn't have much time for checking my phone. "If you call or text I can't promise that I'll reply because this week is extremely busy, but I'll try my best to be back by six."

"It's alright, I have a lot to do today myself, but if you aren't here by six I may come looking for you." He leaned me against the car and wrapped his hand around the front of my throat. His thin fingers held me in place as he tilted my head back to kiss me. This was one of the things I enjoyed the most about him. When I was expecting bossy and demanding I got sweet and caring. He kept me on my toes and I was loving it.

"Have a safe trip." He said, kissing my lips one final time before walking back through the gate.

When I got to Luke's house he was outside waiting. "You've got that expression on your face again." He walked closer, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"What are you talking about?" I leaned down into my car for my laptop and purse.

"That look, you know, the one that's ugh, what's that one called again? Oh, that's right, it's called love. You look disgustingly happy, Jennifer." The slightest smirk appeared on his face as he took the laptop from me and walked toward his SUV.

"Aren't you funny? You know Luke, perhaps if you try meeting new people instead of dating these same boring regulars, you may find someone nice. I mean, they're nice and all, but not marriage material, you know what I mean? Your mother hopes to see your offspring soon." I climbed into the passenger side and took the laptop from of his hand.

"My offspring? Who are you? Jen, you know that I have no interest in a serious relationship right now. Before long we will be gone again filming and I don't have time for all of the stress that comes along with trying to manage a relationship. My lifestyle simply won't allow it." I stared at his face, realizing how incredibly sexy he was since he had taken my advice and not shaved in a few days.

"God, they won't even be able to keep their eyes off of you." I laughed, thinking of how hot he already was, but this just added a little something. There was an interview scheduled for this morning, followed by another photo shoot. I was hoping all went well so that I could get back to Jared's on time.

"You like it?" He ran his hand over his chin before sliding his sunglasses on.

"Well, I'm actually drawn to men with facial hair, so to answer your question, yup, I think it's sexy." I grinned and looked out the window.

The day was going very well and Luke seemed to be in a great mood. He was being hit on left and right all day long and when we finally got to the restaurant to meet a few of his friends, four hours later, the hostess was even flirting with him.

The photo shoot went very smoothly and we even made it back to Luke's sooner than I anticipated. I got in my car and stopped at my apartment to grab a change of clothes before heading back to LA. Regrettably, my great day took a turn for the worse when I got stuck in traffic and arrived at Jared's almost an hour late.

He met me outside and led me inside to introduce me to his mother. "Mom, this is the Jennifer, the one I've been telling you about."

Her smiling face and friendly hug instantly made me feel relaxed and serene. "It's so nice to finally meet you. I've been asking him to introduce us for a while now." She said giving Jared a wink.

The three of us sat down to eat and the conversation went great. We talked about my family and my growing up in Vegas. The wine also helped me feel relaxed and when she asked me how I liked working for Luke, Jared informed me of how much she liked him. I actually liked her a lot and was thrilled when she suggested a lunch date for Saturday.

When it was time for her to leave, Jared and I walked her out. She hugged both of us and thanked her son for dinner. I enjoyed watching his interaction with his mother. It was obvious how close they are and I was genuinely glad that she seemed to like me. I spun around to face him. "That went better than I anticipated."

"Told you things would be perfect baby." He took a few steps ahead, forcing me to walk backward into the house. "You are spending the night, right?" He whispered against my ear.

"This is becoming a habit, Jared."

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