Chapter 32

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I didn't wake up until almost noon, but still managed to get up before Nicole. The smell of freshly brewed coffee must have roused her because I was sitting on the couch when she came sauntering out, rubbing her eyes. "Good morning."

I looked up my from my phone screen. "Morning." Still no word from Jared. I guess that those three little words uttered in my drunken stupor, packed more of a punch than I thought. Well, it was fun while it lasted. My insides were still twisting, recalling the look on his face when I exited yesterday.

"What time do you have to go to Luke's?" She came and sat next to me with her mug of coffee.

"Soon. I've got to go pick up his suit and I'm sure he has a few things for me to do before we leave for London. I'd love for you to come, but I don't believe that I'll be back here to drop you off before we leave at six. That means I'll have to get myself ready at his house. I'm so sorry that I'll have to leave you here by yourself again." I did feel guilty, but I did warn her when she planned this trip.

"I'm not mad at you. I understand and I'll just have to entertain myself here while you're gone. I just hope that I get to see you again before my flight tomorrow."

"Nic! You make me feel so awful and I have to go get ready now!" I hung my head and walked to the kitchen. "Maybe next time I'll come visit you and you can do the same thing, leave me at your apartment while you are busy at work."

She snickered, "You're forgetting one thing sweetie, I'm not nearly as dedicated to my job as you are to yours, but then again, I don't have a hot sexy stud for a boss to motivate me."

"Eewww, just eeewww. I told you, he's like a brother." I covered my ears and walked to my bedroom. "I just can't see Luke in that way, but at the same time, I do understand the attraction. Does that make sense?"

"Yes, and I can certainly understand it as well. He's hot." She yelled out as I walked into the bathroom to get myself ready. I threw on a pair of jeans and an old Tee since I had to run and pick up Luke's suit and I knew he wanted me to mail a package for him. That was two errands that I knew about ahead of time. Slipping my feet into my worn pair of Nike's, I ran a brush through my long hair.

I emerged, picking up my phone. Still no message from Jared. Rolling my eyes, I slipped it into my purse and grabbed my keys. "I love you Nic, but I'm not sure what time I'll be back because he likes the after parties, but it's usually around two or three."

"Have a good time and I'll see you whenever I see you." She said hugging me.

"I'll miss you." I squeezed her tighter. "I'll miss you." I told her before walking out and getting in my car. It was a beautiful sunny day and I should be happy, but my mind was stuck on what I said to Jared the other night. I berated myself during the whole drive to Luke's.

My boss was on an important call when I walked in. I sat down and waited patiently for him to finish up. He looked great and I smiled to myself, remembering Nicole's words about how handsome Luke was.

"Jennifer, can you please mail this package and my pick up suit? I've ordered us some lunch and it will be here when you get back. My mother will be over shortly to join us. Sorry, I'm running behind today." He took a step back. "You ok? You look as though something's bothering you."

"Just had a rough few days, we can talk about it later. Nicole is leaving in the morning and I'm just just feeling a little guilty about having to leave her alone in my apartment.

"She's a big girl, she'll be fine." He said rolling his eyes.

"I know. I'll be back soon." I walked out the door and drove over to pick up Luke's suit and my dress. I loved this dress, it was black satin and had a slit all the way up the side. The shoes have been at Luke's house since I bought them last week.

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