- two.

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the aforementioned looked up into the grey eyes of his lover, yoo kihyun.

maybe not his soulmate, but someone he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

kihyun jumped into the younger's arms and pulled him into a feverish kiss.

jooheon chuckled into the kiss and pulled away, earning a puzzled and angry look from kihyun.

"noo. keep..keep going.."

jooheon stared affectionately at the man above him and stroked his cheek lovingly, "i can't sweetheart, i have to go to work soon.."

"ugh, i hate you working as a waiter.."

jooheon gave an aimless shrug, "why?"

"because you could....you could find your soulmate! loads of people go to starbucks! what if you find the one?"

jooheon stared, surprised, at the elder's words, kihyun kept his head down and slowly but surely slid off of jooheon's stomach.

"forget about it, go to work, have a good day."

"baby, need i remind you yet again, what we both planned? we planned to reject them kindly, no matter what connection we have with them, remember?"

"b-but, but what if they force you? or you actually like them? what if it's a girl? jooheo-"

jooheon stood up and gave the older a sweet kiss, "don't worry, we have a plan, and i'm going to stick by it."

kihyun hugged jooheon tightly, "i love you.."

jooheon hesitated, only just, "i..love you too,"

they pulled apart and jooheon grabbed his car keys, "goodbye love."


jooheon left the apartment the boy lived in and made his way out to his car, unlocking it and stepping inside.

the cool air nipped at his heels as he started the car, driving towards his destination, the only starbucks in his area.

traffic lights were always a bitch to him, but people actually recognised the prospect of soulmate-less people and a sign lower read, red.

after two minutes passed, the sign changed to green and he drove forward, he arrived at his destination two minutes late and knew he was in trouble, his boss was a strict, small and sharp woman who didn't like funny business.

"lee jooheon!"a menacing voice was heard as he stepped into the warm, sweet-smelling coffee shop.

the clinking of heels grew louder and soon an angry, wrinkly face was pressed against his chest, two small sharp eyes squinted up at him.

"you're late."

jooheon gulped, "i-i know, i'm sorry, i woke up la-"

"excuses, excuses!"she exclaimed, gathering a small crowd of attention towards them.

suddenly she grabbed jooheon's ear and as he squealed in pain, dragged his head toward her, "get to work,"she said with as much venon in her voice as a cobra.

the mildly harassed man gulped and nodded, quickly hurrying to the staff room to grab his name tag and apron.

jooheon fixed his hair in a dull mirror in the bathroom before walking out to the main floor, taking in the smell he had grown oh so used to.

lol hi again :)

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