- eighteen.

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"play it again."

changkyun sighed and began to play, once again, the opening to 'another one bites the dust'.

jooheon smiled at his boyfriend as he played, he watched how changkyun's lips moved as he counted in his head, how his eyes would occasionally meet the older's, a faint smile on his face.

jooheon was grateful for him.

changkyun glanced at him once more before finishing with a pant, "how was that?"

jooheon smiled and walked over, kissing his cheek, "amazing."

changkyun's cheeks were dusted with a light pink shade and he smiled, "thank you, i've been practicing a lot while you're at work."

"it's been paying off, you're amazing, what do you think you'll learn next?"

changkyun's head fell back onto jooheon's shoulder, "maybe killer queen, or keep yourself alive, i'm trying to learn all the queen songs."

he laughed at the last part, jooheon kissed his hair, "you'll be amazing at them all, roger taylor would be proud."

changkyun snorted, "'roger taylor would be proud', roger's one of the best drummers i've ever heard, i don't think he'd be proud of me."

jooheon pouted, "you've been practicing for weeks, you'll be great, trust me."

changkyun's dark eyes met jooheon's and he smiled, "i love you."

jooheon smiled and slowly leaned in to kiss changkyun's lips, he smiled against them, he caught the vague taste of vanilla.

changkyun kissed back and the two shared a memorable kiss, surrounded by the mess that was the spare room.

empty carboard boxes that were discarded after changkyun moved in, paint-ridden t-shirts after one of their 'cool' ideas went wrong.

but the boys loved it, it was what they thought was home.

and to be honest?

to them, home was where the other was, as long as the two were together, it felt as though they were dreaming, where they were unstoppable.

the connection the two had, it was a miraculous feeling, and the boys couldn't get enough.

it was love.

love was telling the truth, love was sticking by each other, love was believing in each other's dreams.

love was whatever the boys wanted it to be.

❝thank you for painting my days with colour.❞


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