- ten.

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"k-k-kihy-"the name was caught in his throat, kihyun turned his head and widened his eyes, practically jumped off the male he was currently straddling.

"jooheon! i-i-i can explain-"

"no. please don't."

no, tears hadn't pooled in his eyes, but his heart sure as hell hurt.

"your soulmate i p-presume?"

the aforementioned gulped and stared down at the ground, kihyun nodded, his hands shaking.

"jooheon i'm sorry, i'm so sor-"

jooheon chuckled, his knees shaking, "don't be, but if it makes you feel different, i met my soulmate too, but, but i nearly rejected him, i was going to do it tomorrow in fact

because, because of you. i was given a fucking choice, and i chose you. look where that got me."

tears ran down kihyun's face, completely feeling like shit.

"looks like our fantasy wasn't a reality, eh, kihyun?"

"i'm sorry! i'm so fucking sorry for hurting you, jooheon, i was going to tell you-"

"but you didn't. oh well, i'm going to bed, whatever you're thinking, this is still my home, and i'm planning to live here, if you and your soulmate have a place to stay, go there."

jooheon ignored kihyun's answer and walked down the slim hall into his room.

he heard murmurs and then the door opening and closing, then the murmurs were gone.

kihyun had left.

jooheon chuckled to himself, he knew kihyun would come in a few days to get his stuff.

jooheon felt petty that evening, and decided to.. help kihyun pack.

he gathered all of kihyun's things, books, clothes, shoes, accessories and others and packed them into his suitcases.

he brought them down the flight of stairs to the main lobby.

he dropped the suitcases in the corner with a note.

good luck i guess :)

then jooheon retreated back to his apartment, thinking about the days events.

he yawned and entered the apartment once more, feeling the echo of his footsteps on the wooden floor.

he changed out of his uniform into a baggy t-shirt that reached his knees and his boxers.

he decided to eat something before watching some tv and finally sleeping.

happy with his list, he walked to the kitchen, his fluffy socks occasionally slipping on the floor.

he made himself a bowl of cereal and retreated to the living room, he sat on the warm couch and switched on the tv.

he tried to keep his mind off the fact that he was sitting in the same spot kihyun and his soulmate were making out and switched the channels before settling on a cooking show.

they're topic was traditional italian food. and it reminded jooheon of someone.

his thoughts suddenly went to the image of his soulmate, more importantly his smile.

jooheon loved his smile, damn.

he continued watching the show, trying to remember every ingredient, every flick of the knife.

he was going to make changkyun some italian.

jooheon watched them make spaghetti bolognese with garlic bread, it looked utterly delicious.

jooheon yawned loudly as his eyes fluttered shut for a split second.

his body wanted sleep.

his thoughts wanted changkyun.

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