- six.

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changkyun dragged jooheon up a flight of stairs to an empty seating area, trying to ignore the electrifying feeling in his palm.

he pushed jooheon onto a cushioned red leather seat, one similar to the one he sat at a half hour ago.

"so.. we're soulmates?"

jooheon winced slightly, "yeah, we are, i guess."

"okay, i guess why you ran off is because you're already in a relationship, yes? anyway, we don't have to be in love, we can just be... f-friends..."

changkyun wasn't sad, no, that's not the reason he stuttered, it was the f word, it was foreign to  changkyun, since the age of thirteen he hadn't spent time with anyone else besides his grandfather.

jooheon contemplated the situation, kihyun wouldn't have to know, would he?

"okay, i'm lee jooheon."

"im changkyun."

"okay im changkyun, let's get to know each other."

changkyun glanced at the male who was underneath him, and stared at him with a confused expression, which in jooheon's eyes, was cute.

"ah.. yeah, okay whatever."

changkyun sat in the seat opposite him, facing the carrot top male.

"well.. i..damn i don't know where to start,"he chuckled to himself, jooheon suppressed a smile.

"hmm.. how about... favourite colour? music you like? favourite food?"

changkyun furrowed his brows and bit his thin bottom lip, thinking of an answer to those questions.

"right, i like the colour black, i like rock music i guess, also punk or emo? favourite food? italian."

"italian?"jooheon said with interest, changkyun nodded, "yeah. what about you?"

"ah, i like baby blue, like your sweater, and i like rap and i love barbecued pork belly."

changkyun nodded, "i see. barbacued pork belly, huh? isn't there a barbecue restaurant on the other side of town?"

jooheon's eyes widened in delight, "what? OH MY GOD WHY DIDN'T I KNOW ABOUT THIS?!"

changkyun laughed loudly at the orange haired boy, jooheon blushed awkwardly, "oh shit dawg i think i'm blushing."

changkyun laughed again, louder than before, he clutched his stomach and wiped a stray tear which slipped down his cheek, "i think i'm gonna piss,"

jooheon snorted, he knew, he knew he and changkyun would get along, in time.

changkyun had calmed down and stopped laughing, and was now staring at the carrot headed male, chuckling to himself every once in a while.

"so im changkyun, are we friends now?"

changkyun looked thoughtful, considering his option, but then he realized he had to stay close to jooheon if he wanted colour, so naturally, he nodded.

jooheon's thick lips curled into a smile, "yay!"

changkyun rolled his eyes and smiled faintly, thinking of how childlike jooheon was.

"ah! changkyun, how old are you?"

"i just turned twenty-two, like, literally today."

jooheon's eyes widened, "really?! happy birthday!"

he sat up and hugged the male awkwardly as changkyun was still sitting down.

a pulsing energy shot through the two boys and they spread apart instantly.

"i...think we're going to have to get used to that for a while,"

changkyun nodded, rubbing his head slightly, staring at jooheon with his peculiar brown eyes.

jooheon smiled down at him, his golden brown eyes shining with a new found light.

the two couldn't deny it, they were allured.

okay um... i actually like this ff???

big oOf

ily all 😳

— apricotpjm

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