- thirteen.

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something clicked in changkyun's head, and he quickly wondered if it was too late to change the order to go.

changkyun smiled, he knew who it was, it may be a common name, but he knew it had to be, it had to be the same kihyun.

he just prayed jooheon wouldn't come anytime soon.

but low and behold, the aforementioned arrived, carrying a tray of deliciously smelling food.

he only glanced at kihyun and he almost lost his grip on the tray, he set it down onto the table hard.

"kihyun, what a pleasant surprise."

kihyun gulped, "jooheon..."

minhyuk avoided eye contact with the slightly shorter male, the awkwardness thickened.

changkyun gulped, he didn't know what to do, so naturally, he shut up and ate his nuggets.

he slid his hand around jooheon's forearm, "come on, just eat, nothing is going to happen."

jooheon gulped and glanced behind at the two males who looked guilt ridden.


kihyun pulled minhyuk's hand away, minhyuk followed, but not before waving at changkyun and gesturing him to a piece of paper on their table.

changkyun furrowed his brows but nodded nonetheless, changkyun changed his stare to observe jooheon, "you okay?"

"oh yeah,"jooheon said sarcastically, "i'm just smitten."

changkyun frowned angrily, "don't. don't be all sarcastic with me okay?"

jooheon's eyes softened, "sorry kyunnie."

changkyun fought the raging blush on his cheeks once more as he heard the nickname.

changkyun took the scrap of paper that minhyuk pointed out to him.

yeet look there's my number use it ;) i'M JUST JOKING I WANT TO BE FRIENDS

changkyun chuckled softly as he flipped the card around and saw a number scrawled in messy handwriting.

he pocketed the paper and began eating his, which he noticed at first, was a twenty chicken nugget box.

"jooheon, i love you."

jooheon almost choked on his mouthful of fries, "what?"

"you got me the twenty chicken nugget box, i am eternally grateful."

jooheon sighed, "no problem, you scared me there."

changkyun shrugged, chewing his nugget, "you should always be on your toes,"

he took a swig of his drink, which was an icy cup of fanta.

"so.. a medium fanta, twenty chicken nugget box and a large fries, and is that a mcflurry? that can't have only been ten dollars."

jooheon smiled and shrugged, "it was more than ten dollars, yes, i paid for some, as a gift."

changkyun's lips pulled up into a small grin, then began to eat more of the food.

"this is delicious what even."

jooheon smiled at him once more, then drank some of his thick and creamy coffee.

"this thing, called love, i just, can't handle it."

changkyun rolled his eyes at jooheon, "stop trying to sound deep, you're talking to a queen fan, that's the opening line of crazy little thing called love, don't even start."

"eat your chicken"jooheon blushed in embarrassment, then glancing at his burger, which was half eaten.

"i feel impowered."

"don't. i am the powerful one."

"no, you're the embarrassing one."

"go suck a dick."

"yours preferably."

try and decipher who said what i'll wait ;)

ily all 💞

— apricotpjm

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