- epilogue.

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after years of pub gigs and meetings, 'wonder', the band changkyun played drums for, made something of themselves.

their album, 'organised chaos', a hard rock album, was climbing up the charts and the group of four were under fine management.

jooheon was always by his side, cheering on his boyfriend from the sidelines, clad in their merch, which would always embarrass the younger.

mr im tried to attend most of his grandson's concerts, as well as making friends with his band members, but his declining health prevented him most of the time.

jooheon began teaching home economics at a nearby school, a traditionally feminine job.

most soulmate-less girls and some boys drooled over him, but he made it clear one day he was taken as he opened the wrong file on his computer and pictures of himself and changkyun at the beach were displayed over the projector.

it was sure as hell a big leap from studying the composition of protein.

jooheon was delighted to hear that some of his students were a fan of his boyfriend's band, some even had tried to bribe him to get them to come to their school, but jooheon knew he would be too busy.

but he would have loved it nonetheless.

and that's their story, two boys, two soulmates, who weren't guaranteed a happy ending but got one anyway.

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