- three.

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"no.. this way, gran. just up here.. there you go."

changkyun lead his grandfather to starbucks, where they planned to eat their lunch in celebration of changkyun's birthday.

changkyun got out of the car and wiped away the dust from his shirt before assisting his grandfather.

"i haven't been out to eat in months.."

changkyun chuckled as he held his grandfather's arm, helping him into the coffee shop, inhaling the smell of fresh croissants.

"let's sit over....here."

mr im pointed in the direction of a small table with two cushioned chairs on either side.

changkyun nodded and made his way to the seat, he helped his grandfather sit on his chair then sat in his own, admiring the starbucks he was in.

it was unfamiliar to him as he spent most of his time on the outskirts.

a tall, dark haired waitress with large full lips came over to them, she deliberately shook changkyun's hand then frowned prominently.

her hand stayed grey, changkyun wasn't her soulmate.

changkyun knew what she was trying to do, and blushed softly.

she took their order, a cup of milky tea and an omelette for mr im and a salad and fries with an americano for changkyun.

she left the two males at their table and went to the counter to the baristas.

"hey gran...?"

mr im looked up from the small newspaper provided with the table, "hm?"

"could you.. tell me the story again? like.. about soulmates and stuff?"

mr im's eyes widened profoundly, surprised to hear his grandson such a question.

"um.. okay. well, uh, everyone had a soulmate okay? they're destined to be with one person since they're born

usually their around the same age and usually in the same country

well, everything is black and white in the world, buildings, clothing, just everything..

but when you touch your soulmates hand, you're supposed to feel an electric shock sort of feeling, and then your hand will fill with colour,

then everything starts to pigment, and yeah, then you live out your days with your soulmate."

"but what about.. genders? sexualities? what if you're straight but your soulmate's a boy?"

"well, there's nothing you can do."

"and people already in relationships, and asexual people?"

"i...i don't know, changkyun, anyways, whatever your soulmate is, i'm sure they'll love you."

changkyun blushed faintly, "is it true?"

"is what true?"mr im asked as the dark haired waitress returned with their food, she smiled at changkyun before walking away.

"that people hire detectives to find their soulmates? and some people go to 'witches' and stuff?"

changkyun had heard people on the street mutter things like arcus apurial and brincules.

mr im rolled his eyes as he took a forkful of his cheesy omlette.

"ah.. yes. it's very true, yet these 'witches' are just a bunch of phonies, i don't want you going to a witch or detective, okay?"

changkyun nodded swiftly, "Of course."

"good, now eat up, i have to be back at two to take my medication."

changkyun nodded and began wolfing down his lunch, he sighed in content, "wow, this is great."

they had finished their meals and mr im had graciously offered to pay for it.

the two were walking out of the building, mr im gave a small gasp as he dropped his cane, a brittle oakwood stick with a rounded end.

changkyun bent down to grab it yet bumped into a tall person, crashing to the ground, when changkyun rubbed his head and stood up

a large hand gestured at him.

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