For Hire

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Sitting in my Papes office I spun around in the chair trying to process the newest information we had obtained concerning my Grandparents. It's hard to believe that their death anniversary is nearly upon us. It doesn't seem like it's been almost two year's especially when the pain is so fresh for everyone. A lot has changed since we lost them. Some of us changed for the worse some for the better.

For Instance CJ met his one and settled down. I just attended his and Alice's wedding last week. His pain drew him to seek love and he found it. Naturally Sire didn't attend the wedding but none of us suspected he would. I understand CJ's anger at my brother but I wish he could see past it and make amends. Sire would never intentionally betray any of us. Having lost our Grandparents so tragically brought the worst out in Sire. Like CJ, I do believe Sire is searching for something to replace the emptiness this tragedy left behind.

Then there's Mizery who seems her normal, dismal self. However I do know that she has branched off on her own and begun her own search for the suspects. If my father or uncle Cole discovered this Mizery is sure to have her ass handed to her. Now King has basically went incognito. We only see him when there's a meeting or work to be done. The remainder of the time he keeps himself holed up in his parent's apartment. We can't help but worry about the state of his mind, especially with the death date approaching as well as his birthday. We chose not to throw him a party, it being the one year mark and all. We all assume King as well as the other's don't want to feel joy that day or reminders.

Don't let me forget my idiot of a little brother Duel. Since his return my parent's home has been a madhouse. Duel has practically slept his way through the Den and enjoys getting my Pape riled up. He's a sneaky bastard for sure and harasses Zoe, Conner and Ela's adopted daughter every chance he gets. Even though Zoe is a few year's older than Duel he takes every opportunity to hit on her in the most vulgar ways. It's obvious that Zoe despises him which only makes Duel worse. Then my little sis Demy. She gets more like my Pape everyday. Nearly eighteen now my Pape has his work cut out for him. She's still not allowed to date but trust and believe her big twin brother's know what she's been up to. We are well aware that she sneaks out to meet up with some snot nose boy from the lower part of town. Yes, she's only being a typical teen but Pape won't see it that way. When he discovers this, and he eventually will, Demy will be in deep shit and the boy lucky to walk away. However we just don't let her wander out unprotected. Yes, Demy has been trained and can handle herself but the danger right now is too high. As soon as her feet leave the building we have men following her.

Thankfully the younger one's seemed to have bounced back for the most part but Aunt Miri still has her day's. Sometimes she goes missing all day but we all know where she is. Miri will visit the gravesite bearing flowers or small gifts she knows they would adore. She sit with her back leaned against the tombstone and her head leaned against my G-Pop's carved name. Almost like she's leaning on his shoulder. She'll share updates on everyone and everything, she'll cry and tell them how much she needs and misses them. Then sometimes she can be found sitting in Pop Pop 's favorite Porsche or wearing G mama's favorite perfume.

Our of us all it's my Pape I worry with the most. Rarely is he at home anymore. Every ounce of energy and time is spent looking for answers. He's not the same. His impulsive nature has worsened and his word's are sharp. Rarely does he laugh and joke anymore. He is all business and hunting the one's responsible his only focus. I'm actually beginning to worry about my parent's marriage. Mom accuses him of never being home, neglecting her and always being in a sour mood. She tells him he needs to slow down some which only angers him and they end up in a yelling match until Pape storms out to drink at the Den. Many night's he sleeps in his office.

But none of that is suppose to concern me. Right now we are working on a big lead, the biggest lead we've had so far. It came to our attention several month's ago that the person behind the murders could be in Germany. We sent a few men there to scope thing's out. After making connections in the street there they investigated a few suspect's, none of which was any help or guilty. They were to be returning home but they never did. We don't know exactly what went down but their severed ears were mailed to us. No name or address, just a plain large envelope with Harper's written on it.

The men didn't inform us of anyone else they suspected or any other meetings. What we assumed happened is word for out that we had men there noseing around and someone got scared so they ended them. In return this let us know we had gotten close to the killer and they were definitely in Germany. Now we were piecing it all together and waiting to make our next move. I had been trying to come up with idea's and such all evening but every time my mind would wander. Wander back to that explosive firecracker I saw at the club a few nights ago.

That woman has consumed me like none other and it rattles my cage as to why. No other woman has caused such a stir in me. As soon as my eye's spotted her I became intrigued. I watched her for awhile in awe of her exotic looks. Of course I wanted to hang the fuck out of her and intended to do just that. However she threw a wrench in my plans with her frigid attitude. Never had any female turned me down or been such a bitch. It was quite cute at how she thought she could scare me into leaving her be. I'll give it to her though, she was full of fire and didn't seem to falter a bit under my stare. Even surprised me more when she swiftly kicked my legs from under me. This girl had some form of training to pull off moves like that.

Even now I'd be lying if I said she wasn't worth the trouble. In fact I can't wait to see her again. Since the club was owned by my family I was able to swipe her name from her credit card at the bar. I didn't do an extensive search but just enough to learn her address and work. Apparently she was trying to break through as a model. Trust me, I've met several of these types here in New York. Sadly only a few make it big. Not that she isn't model material but she's probably just another flake here trying to be a star or famous. Wanting the big bucks. She's even went as far as wanting to hire a body guard which is laughable as she's no one big.

Well if she wants a body guard a body guard she will get. I submitted my application three day's ago and I meet with her today for an interview. This should be interesting plus there's no reason she wouldn't hire me after the application I submitted. With all my training and knowledge, hell I'm certified enough to guard the holy temple.

Smiling, I raked my fingers through my unruly hair and stood. Told the bitch I'd being seeing her soon I mumbled as I made my way out for our meeting.

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