Merome Oneshot

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"I'm sorry..."

Jerome repeated these two words nonstop. It was all he could say as he was tasked with abusing his secret lover. He was a hybrid. And Mitch was a human.

He had never wanted to hurt Mitch. He'd never wanted to hurt his prince. But orders were orders. Especially when dark mages could easily control your body at any given tune.

Every day he was forced to stab his boyfriend Mitch. And yet all he could do was repeat sorry. Mitch's arms and legs were covered in lacerations. Rendering any future motion pointless as they were ruined beyond repair.

He was going insane in his own mind. His prince had stopped responding a day ago. If it weren't for a spell he'd be dead from blood loss. But they weren't going to let that happen to his prince. His poor prince. Destroyed by someone he trusted most. Destroyed by someone that he though could mend the bridge between human and hybrid.

That dream was truly a dream. And reality was nothing but a living hell. Hours passed. Days. Jerome was given minimal time to eat and sleep before being controlled again. The mages merely wanted an end to the kingdom. To create chaos. Get rid of the Hughes bloodline and have complete control of the territory. And to get to the king, they took his son.

And tormented him with his secret hybrid boyfriend.

At some point the king relinquished his power. But it was too late. Mitch was dead. Starvation, dehydration, and blood loss killed him. And then the hybrids came knocking on the castle walls. Chaos spread. Blood was shed. And In the end the kingdom still shakily stood. Hanging on by a thread.

But just a suddenly as there was hope, they were gone. Killed by the dark mages. Their new empire. And both Jerome and his prince were gone. Finally together in a better place.

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