Loving is...

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Loving is well... difficult. Tangible. Sometimes toxic. Damaging.

Me, just being me tends to think about it often. The amount of commitment. Time. Effort. Responsibility. I can have a crush sure. But an actual person not from my family?

A person who requires love and affection? A person who chooses to see both the good and bad in a so called relationship? I don't think I could ever hold up to that.

I'm writing this because shower thoughts. That's what I used to write my fanfics off of. But now all I write them off of is my own self-deprecating thoughts.

And tonight I thought of loving. Of accepting reality and moving along. Thinking of possibilities that I know will never happen.

That's why I crush on some people. So that way I can remind myself to crush down my feelings to a nonexistent point. To remember that even if I love them in a sisterly way it never goes farther than that.

I requires me to doubt myself. Beat down my feelings. To the point where I daydream and fantasize about situations that'll never come true.

Because love is both a curse and a blessing. And with my mindset I hope that I never have to experience it.

Heck. This probably belongs in my Cheesecat Log. But nobody reads what I make. I check. Don't worry. I'm fully aware of the same people looking at my stuff.

Just like when I crush on people. I have to repress feelings sometimes. To not feel like a letdown... a disappointment. Yeah. It feels that way. It's kinda the main reason I gave up on existing here. The only reason I got here is because of well. A person who sounded too nice to be true. Creating genuine fanfics. Creating stuff that I used to strive for.

But I guess that was a joke. I'm unoriginal. And now? Not even motivated to keep doing what I once thought was fun.

I keep saying I'll delete this but procrastination is the only thing holding me back.

So maybe I'll exist? Or maybe I won't. Sorry to bother anyone who sees this. I just needed to get the thought out of my head again.


Final Edit: 8/14/19
Wc: 378

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