For all the times you've ruined my fantasies...

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She was drunk.

She had never wanted to get drunk but the influence had gotten to her. The man she had been trusting had lost her, which I guess wasn't a surprise but after living in quarantine with only herself, her dead hair, and her two cats, she had desperately needed a release.

So she took to drinking, with the one and only Captainsparklez and some of his buddies. As an after-quarantine party some might suppose. But to Shelby, that was the worst night she'd ever had. And it'd ended with one of her angry ex fans and the loss of her virginity.

Let's rewind shall we?

It was August 19th, a little after quarantine ended. It was a decent day with the sun coming through the clouds. After being cooped up for so long she needs to do something. Desperately.

With high hopes she looked to CaptainSparklez and saw with delight they were going out to a bar.

Anywhere would be nice at this point she thought.

So she went with them. Mistake one. She was picked up by one of Jordans 'friends' who took them to the bar. Everything was going swimmingly. Jordan and his friends were having a blast, getting a little drunk, hanging out, sharing a laugh, whilst Shelby continuously downed water and lemonade.

It was maybe after two hours that things went a tad blurry. Who in their right mind would spike lemonade she thought? After a few more waters and lemonades she finally realized they were both spiked. She let out a drunken giggle before impulsively buying the strongest alcohol there was without a care in the world. And suddenly the world was filled with all shapes and sizes. She heavily brought herself to Jordan, who was still surprisingly stable. A carefree smile on his face.

"Whoaaaa Shelby are you drunk?" He took in her state. Her eyes were wide yet dark bags hung deep down under her eyes, barely visible through her makeup. "Jjjordannnnnn, I'm soooo drunkkkk." She giggled, leaning into Jordan. Jordan then realized, he was an average drinker. And standing before him was the very definition of someone who couldn't hold their alcohol and was a lightweight.

He grabbed her gently by the shoulders. "We should get you back home Shelby, heck we should all get back home. It's late."

Shelby sighed dejectedly, rubbing her hands across Jordans short abs, making sure to rub her right breast against his thigh. She'd never felt this way before but it felt... good.

Then somewhere between the bar and her hell everything went black. She was bound up to a bed. The lower half of her body sore. Looking down her clothes were gone. She let out tears. She'd been raped. And not even while conscious.

The sound of a door caught her attention and she looked up. There was a guy, looked maybe mid-thirties. Sandy blonde hair, blue eyes, tanned skin, and a decent set of abs. Though the tears in her eyes she blushed at the site, turning away.

"Hey Shubble. Or should I call you Shelby?" His alluring tone made her get goosebumps, and not in the good way. It made her feel like prey. Her eyes wandered down his lean body, continuously getting stuck on his larger than average package.

She mentally slapped herself. I'm a proud asexual who's completely independent. Yet despite how many times she repeated that in her head she still kept staring at him.

"I would say I'm a fan but after you came out as asexual and dyed your hair blonde it just kinda became a hate thing. You remember last night right? after I saved you from that short buff guy in the bar? You really wanted me didn't ya?"

Shelby stared down at herself, remembering none of last night. "Huh? Wait you're the guy who took my virginity?"

The man sighed. "If you don't remember it then I guess it might not've been good enough. Don't worry though, you'll have plenty more nights to experience sex with me." It was only then that Shelby saw the dangerous glint in his eyes. She struggled lightly testing the ropes holding her down and finding no give. She really regretted not working out at home now.

"Could you just uh, let me go home and make youtube videos please? I really need to get going and I don't wanna miss uploading again." He then glared at her, and replied in a tone of a parent scalding a child.

"No. I don't recall you being done here horny bitch. I didn't tie you down just to let you go. I plan to have fun with you."

By the time he was done speaking he was already on top of Shelby, rubbing his cock against her somewhat wet vagina. She let out a shocked gasp in surprise. "Please don't. I won't feel anything, you know this." Her voice was wavering. Out of fear or anticipation she didn't know.

It was out of fear she realized as he plunged himself into her, letting out a screech of pain as it was all raw and rough. Squeezing her eyes shut would not make the pain go away, but it would certainly make the pain of the gorgeously sadistic person in front of her disappear as he raped her once again. This time whilst she was conscious.

Her tears flowed freely down her face as the man got some semblance of sick pleasure from her body, His hands grappled her small breasts with force, slapping them as well as kneading them until they were a bright red. His eyes were narrowed sky blue slits, a crazy grin on his face as he forced his pain onto her.

He then pulled himself out and shoved his cock onto her chest, rubbing himself between her breasts as he mashed them together while viciously kissing her until she was left gasping for air.

He finally let up, sitting on top of her soft chest whilst letting her catch a breath. "I- I didn't feel anything. I don't... you know I can't. So why..." He then grasped her neck, choking her until she barely managed to beg for air.

"The only reason you felt anything last night bitch was because I drugged you. I'm surprised you didn't figure it out sooner, what, with all the ecstasy and adrenaline in your system. I bet that was the only reason you were such a responsive little slut last night weren't ya?"

The only response she let out was a breathy moan. "Now Shelby." He said. "This is for all the times you've ruined my fantasies." And with that Shelby was taken away in a sea of the mans lust, becoming nothing more than a human sex toy for the man's enjoyment.

Seeing as how she couldn't save herself and nobody knew where14 she was, she gave up and gave into him, Letting him let out all his sexual fantasies and never ending lust onto her body. Allowing him to force her into weird positions whilst drugged against her will.

It wasn't until her death nearly a month later that she realized the words he'd always said to her. Right before every night of 'fun.'

This is for all the times you've ruined my fantasies.


I kinda didn't want to type this out... I don't exactly think it's uh... safe? Oh well I suppose. At least I have some energy to write

Started: 14/6/20, 2:14 am
Ended: 15/6/20, 5:30 am

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