Mitch - Cancerous

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"Yeah Babe?"

"I uh... I have..." Mitch starts shaking slightly. His mouth suddenly dry and his next words lost as he realizes what he's about to say.

"What?" Jessica goes closer to Mitch, putting down the laundry and staring at his husband. They'd been married for 10 years and never once had they had anything serious.

Mitch gulps and tries to find his words again. "I- I have cancer... I just... I d-don't know how o-or even why b-but..." He trailed off as Jess hugged him tightly. He eyes watering slightly.

"It'll be okay Mitch. We'll get through this. Together."


A few months passed. Which slowly became two years. The chemotherapy hadn't worked and the cancer had gotten worse. It had spread down his kidneys and his lungs creating tumors and killing Mitch slowly. Preventing him from doing what he normally did.

His videos became scarce. Mostly just updates on his health. His voice was no longer smooth and his energy was... gone.

Jessica was there with him every step of the way. Giving day to day reports to Mitch's friends and family. But especially Jerome, who was worried his long time bud would die on him. Everyone else Mitch had ever gotten to know was holding their breath in anticipation and hoping he'd get better.

It hurt for Mitch to talk. To breathe was a laborious task. Eating was no longer easy on his throat. Every few months it would seem like he was getting better but after a few weeks of being home he would constantly have to go back. Having to transplant at least two of the vital organs would be both expensive and extensive. And the chance that the transplant would get affected was a high chance.

After a few more months of constantly going home after being cleared but constantly having to go back, it was obvious Mitch wasn't going to make it. And so Jessica took Mitch back to the hospital. It was far to late to decide to get a transplant now. Mitch had lost so much weight. He could barely stand. He wasn't stable enough and even if he was the odds him dying were far greater than the last time.

And so, at the tender age of 29. On March 2nd, 11:56 pm, 2024. Mitchell Donell-Ralph Hughes passed away in front of his wife, children, and longtime best friend.

And things were never the same. But the world still continues on without him. Despite Mitch never getting his 30th birthday.


I made this four months ago. And all I can say is that some deaths are preventable. But not all are. Death is everywhere. It can take who you care about most. It can take away someone close. And caring. And wonderful. But they never stop death.

Just typing this makes me remember it. So I'm going to go back to something else.

Wc: 495
Final Edit: 8/10/19

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