Poisioned - Vikklan

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"Ya know Vikk, I've been thinking of the day we would die."

I paused as the heart monitor beeped again, a little slower this time.

"I'd always thought we'd die together, ya know? I thought we'd be happy."

I trailed off again. Lost in my thoughts.

"The rest of the pack is dead and soon, it'll just be me. Poor little Lachlan. Without his husband."

I grabbed his hand. It was getting more cold by the second.

"We had a pretty good run... remember when you said we'd be together forever that day? When we stood at that altar? That day was the best."

His heartbeat started trailing off, but I didn't care. I wanted to be the last thing my love saw as he passed.

"I remember all the good times Vikk. When you got me that crazy stuffed animal from that carnival game to our first kiss in that pond. I remember all of it."

Hesitantly, I learned over Vikk as his chest stopped moving as fast. And with his final breath, I kissed him goodnight for the last time.



I jumped up from my dream. That was three months ago. Vikk was dead. And there was nothing I could've done.

When he was first diagnosed with the poison in his system, he turned to me, looked me in the eyes, and said, "Remember right now, that if I die, it's not your fault Lachlan."

I sat up in my bed, wearing the same clothes as yesterday. And lazily, I dragged myself to my computer and put out one of my old pre-recorded videos.

I hadn't created new content in four months and my fans were getting worried. I hadn't eaten in a while either. Since Vikk had died I had lost the urge to live. And it'd been hard keeping the house without his income. Harder to buy food. Harder to pay the bills.

Dragging myself away from the computer I changed into a different pair of clothes. I needed to get out. I needed a change of scenery.

I can't live like this forever.


Walking around in the park helped soothe my nerves. Blocking out the memories of him helped but I still felt empty.

Mindlessly I kept walking. And as I did, I found myself in an alley. A poor old man delivering fish to a seafood restaurant, an old abandoned motorbike leaning against the trash cans on the side of the alley.

Not seeing any point in helping, I walked by the man and sat on the old motorbike. Running my hands over the old crumpled handles, I felt the need to take it. And without another thought, I took it.


A few weeks later I spent the rest of my money on repairing the bike. I practiced driving it and after a while I found my true purpose.

So I hopped on the bike as I wrapped the last of my memories with Vikk into a box. This was the day. The day I ended it all.

And I drove off. And without hesitation I flung myself over a bridge. My poor bike crumpling against the bridge.

My memories flew across my eyes. My whole life. Everything.

My Vikk.

And then nothing as the rocks at the bottom of the river met my face. And I flew away.

Flew to my lover in the afterlife.

WC: 569
Finished?: 1/8/19

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