Tora - Abandoned

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I could easily say that I saw this coming. I really could. But I didn't. It was faster than I expected. My mom and I had never gotten along and my dad and I had an edgy relationship. But this... It all happened because of my mom.

I guess I should actually get to what lead me to explain this in the first place. It was actually a pretty nice day. July 13, 2020. I had just streamed a game on twitch and my day could not have been better. Streaming for a small group of people always made me happy.

I got up from my desk that I had managed to shove into my tiny room a few years ago as I began the process of turning my stream into a YouTube video while also saving it to twitch before getting up to go eat. As I opened my door I heard my parents in a heated argument and I was suddenly glad my brother was at school.

"We can't just put her out there. You don't know what could happen to her!"

"So?! She's doing nothing! She's not paying and she's wasting our money and my patience."

"Yeah but she's our daughter!"

"She's my daughter because I gave birth to her, not you! I brought her into this house as a girl and if I have my way I'll be kicking her out as a fag***!"

I winced at my moms harsh words before I stepped into the kitchen, halting my parents argument as I anxiously twisted a strand of my hair in between my fingers.

"So..." I locked my eyes on the counter. "Can you guys pass me my ramen?"


I could say it got better between my parents again but that'd be a lie. It got worse. And eventually by the end of the year they divorced. My mom nabbing my away from my father and leaving my brother with my dad. I had no say in the matter as I was dragged behind by the monster that was my mom as my dad and brother left.

I didn't know what to do. I didn't have enough money to live on my own. My mom overworked herself to avoid seeing me for a few months and because of that she stopped buying extra food. When she came home she  tended to beat me often with no explanation for her intentions. But I pushed through.

I continued to stream. With the internet being my only escape from the harsh reality I didn't want to live. But eventually between hunger and my mom not paying for the WiFi bill anymore, I found myself stuck. And the people who watched my streams started to notice.

Livy are you okay?

Where's your smile?

What happened?

You look really pale...

After another few months I couldn't take it anymore. And eventually on one day, my mom came home and smashed my computer. My viewers spammed me with worried reactions and I couldn't do anything. I couldn't talk back to my mom unless I wanted to lose something else that I loved.

But somehow, through my tears I managed to raise myself up to her. My eyes at the level of her forehead. And I yelled at her. After so many months of her dealing with me, she finally decided to truly snap. She backhanded me across the face, causing me to nearly break my back as I fell and somehow crushed the remains of my setup under my body.

She yanked me out of my room and kicked me out of the house with nothing left but the clothes on me, my phone, a camcorder, headphones, my charging cord and a portable charger.

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