Shelby x Jerome Oneshot

61 2 3

Slightly NSFW




Not accounted for.

I guess I should back up and explain how I got my first kiss taken by Jerome. Only problem?

I have no clue where to start.

It had originally started at a YouTube get-together. A small group of us Youtubers gathered together. Most brought their girlfriends and such and most girls either had their boyfriends or nobody.

Everyone was... kinda chill? The dudes started to drink at some point. And some of the girls jumped in with them. I was sticking to the water. Mainly because I'm a lightweight bean. But something happened at some point. My water got replaced with a strong liquor and I uh... that's where there's gaps.

No wait. Even that needs explaining. So all of us were playing games. Hanging out. A few party games were brought out for some reason and a few girls decided to do some dumb thing while drunk out of their minds. Kinda like I did later on.

I don't know how I didn't notice the smell but I ended up downing what I thought was my water. And a few minutes later I was drinking a bit more.

I hadn't really drank before so it was a whole new experience to me. I was a chaotic neutral drunk. There was a gap and next thing I know is that I'm pinning a drunken Jerome down in a room, my lips against his.

I'm desperately leaning into him. Trying to get him to reciprocate some feeling for me. I think he said something about me still reflecting like a sister to him and then there's another gap?

It's weird. Because I think I grabbed at his pants. Pinning him fully against the wall. And then I remember being grabbed and giggling in his arms. I don't weigh much. And I most certainly don't giggle unless something is funny.

Then Jerome's girlfriend walks in? I wish I remembered most of it because according to everyone else it was a pretty good night. But she tells Jerome off and promises him something before locking us in the room. Just me and her.

And then I have her lips on me, and I remember grabbing her and pulling her on top of me, sticking my tongue into her mouth. And it felt good. She tried pulling away I think but I tugged at her and pulled up her shirt.

I'm honestly not sure if she was drunk too or not but she blushed and reluctantly stayed with me. And it was at this point I think I realized I was a flirty drunk. There's several gaps in my memory but at one point we're both naked. At another point she's grabbing my breasts and grinding on me and I think I'm moaning.

And after that I'm back in Jerome's warm arms. Naked and puking in a toilet. And I wanted him to touch my butt. And Jerome... I felt so rejected. He took me home and everything after having his girlfriend reclothe me but I was still half drunk.

I woke up the following morning with a pounding headache and I had to stumble to my kitchen as my holed memory came back to me. And as the day went by I realized what I'd done. And so that led to me, casually and soberly walking up to where Jerome is.

Fully aware of the fact that I want him to touch me inappropriately. And it felt wrong to admit at first but as the minutes go by I want it more and more.


I forced Jerome into pinning me down. I was persistent. And as he complied unwillingly, I smashed my lips against his again. Feeling a sense of satisfaction as I pulled him down on me. I forgot to breathe as he stuck his tongue into my mouth and began exploring it.

My horniness got stronger. I tugged at Jerome's pants as he hesitantly put his hands up my shirt. He took his mouth off mine and I let out a whine. I wanted Jerome to like me. To see me as more than a sister. But it also felt wrong because of his girlfriend.

Irritated, I yanked down his pants before shoving his hands onto my breasts, nearly moaning at his touch.

Jerome quietly let out a fearful 'what?' As I continued to strip him. He didn't understand. And he never would. Since he only saw me as a sister figure. Impatiently I pushed Jerome over so I was on top and began to grind against him. Letting myself make noises I thought I couldn't and wouldn't make.

Finally Jerome got the hint. He shoved me back and grabbed my breasts harshly, grinding himself against me. Almost making me wet with anticipation as he slowly started to sate my hormones.

The rest is... indescribable. The way he made me feel after so much of my persistence on him was intoxicating. I kept wanting more of him. It felt so good that according to him I ended up... screaming his name, embarrassingly enough.

I almost wish he had used the thing he kept in his underwear. But I understand. He had his girlfriend. And I was nothing but a fellow YouTuber that he saw as a sister.

I still wish I had his lips on mine.


Uh so... almost 900 words? It's 4 am. I haven't slept decently for the past week and I feel delirious. Buttt this exists? Who asked for this again? Eh. Too tired to look.

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