Me, him, and we at 5 am lookin for an outlet

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I yanked her back up to the same height as me by her hair, out faces touching, the stab wound he had lightly given her bleeding slowly.

A knife was held in his right hand, a mischievous smirk on his face. Yet nothing but pure insanity in his pupils.

He then promptly slashed through her hair with the knife. Letting her exhausted and beaten up body fall limo to the floor. I then looked down at her.

"Hmm... you're looking pretty beat. Though between the two I'm not sure which. Pretty? Or beat?"

Kicking her whilst she was down only made her wound gush a little faster. Her voice breaking out in pain and agony.

"Is this... all because I didn't upload the second part-" she spat out some blood as I grinned. "Of that teamcrafted vs dreamteam one shot?"

He looked down at her, his emotions unchanging in his brown eyes, the knife constantly spinning in his hand.

"Partially yes, partially no. I just wanted a punching bag. And so far Storm you're taking it like a champ, a very nice punching bag."

Her face blanched. "Hey uhm... could you not kill me?" Her terrified face only made me want to make her suffer more. But I pushed the urge aside as I struggled to regain some semblance of humanity. I picked her up again, putting my arm around her back and under her right arm.

Even though it was necessary to patch her up and then screw around with her mentally for a while after, her blood wasn't something I wanted near me. Even if he had caused the wound.

Me zoning out while helping her only caused her to shake. And when he came back to reality he was conflicted. Kiss her and make her confused or antagonize her and cause her more mental torture.

"I know I stabbed you but could you not bleed on me storm? I have standards." She blinked despite herself. "The hell? I'll bleed wherever I want, you're the ass who stabbed m-"

He put a finger up to her lips and then blew some of his breath into her left ear. "Relaxxx Storm, you'll be fine. Just shut up and help me help you walk before I really let my emotions get the best of me."

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