What am I even doing anymore.

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"What do you mean by fine? Can't you see she needs help?! Her anorexia and bulimia aren't going to go away on their own you know!"

The Psych doctor looked up from the paperwork. "We're sorry Mr. Rallison but until we know exactly how far she's gone we cannot determine what way to go about this. You should just be lucky she's alive."

He stared at the woman. Tears threatening to form at the edges of his eyes. "Can I stay with her? Please? I wanna be there for her."

"Sir I suggest you go back home and rest. You can come back tomorrow during visiting hours if you're that desperate. You've done enough today, it's a miracle she's not dead."

James looked down at his feet. Mumbling words under his breath before turning around to leave.

And that's when his tears started going.

"I'm sorry I couldn't see your pain Jaiden... I'm so sorry... all because I was caught up in my own little world."

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