You'll Always Find Your Way Back Home✅✔️

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*Chapter will include some pictures of Where Bakari grew up, one also above^*

So I'd thought I'd let everyone know, that I'm going to start adding some music in the media, so you can listen while reading. (Sometimes!!) So you know the mood.

Also, I'm going to forward apologize if some of these songs are old and some viewers haven't heard of them!

They are bops though!
The first song is a new 2018 one, I can't promise about the others!

Olivia's POV

"Bakari? Where are we?" I questioned.

"We are home, princess". He stated exiting the plane and holding my hand.

"Home?" I asked, I wouldn't deny this place was really nice and I was only at the airport. I couldn't imagine how it will look once we get into the actual city.

"This is my hometown Olivia, Carmel California. Also known as Carmel-by-the-Sea."

"Why did you bring me here? We both have jobs to work on".

"Didn't I tell you to shut up and follow me?". He questioned, leading me away from baggage claim and out onto the streets of his hometown.

"Yes, I'm sorry Daddy". I was starting to like saying that. He was getting a kick out of being a dominant lover, and I was loving being submissive. I never really knew that I liked things like this before I had met him. He was something else, that was for sure.

"Good princess". He smiled and carried my bags. We were walking down the street for a while. I was basically just watching and looking around at the scenery. He led me towards a house that looked so beautiful. It reminded me of the regular looking houses I would see at Louisiana.

"Who's house is this?" I questioned. He didn't answer me, so I called his name. "Bakari?" He turned still not talking to me. "Daddy". I spoke rolling my eyes

"Yes, doll-face". He turned around, giving me the cockiest smirk ever.

"Who's house is this?". I asked again

"The house where I was raised". He led me towards the house unlocking it with a key he had in his pocket.

"This place is really nice Bakari. I didn't know you came from such humble beginnings," I giggled

"I wasn't always a rich and spoiled person," he chuckled. "This city is small but it taught me many lessons I still remember and use today in my life". He showed me to the bedroom. Setting the bags down in front of the row of the bed. The house seemed older on the outside which only made it better to me. Vintage, I started to get different opinions on Bakari.

He was a little small-town boy, it was cute. Taking me to his hometown was such an intimate thing. It gave me a heart-warming feeling that I loved very much.

"You ready for the tour?" Bakari questioned snapping me out my thoughts.

"Yeah, I am". He held his hand out to me, I grabbed it. His hand was so warm, it felt so nice and loving. He gave me his award-winning smile and lightly tugged me back into the living space and out the door.

The little stores around here are the most attractive. I wouldn't lie, this city looks like something out of a storybook or possibly a movie.

I'd never seen a cafe like the one I was passing right now. It was a beautiful little coffee shop, the inside smelled of the freshest, sweetest coffee mixed with the smell of roses and sweet chocolate. The coffee could definitely have been better than anything in New York.

Say You Won't Let Go *EDITING*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat