Ain't The Real Cherry ✅✔️

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Bakari and I didn't do anything after the kiss, I decided that he needed some time to heal and think upon his actions before we'd be intimate again.

He'd need to learn how to accept love, to be able to give love properly. He needed to build himself up again. He was a strong person I'd knew he could do it, but it would take some time. I was willing to wait however long he'd need, even though I would sometimes catch myself hoping it wouldn't be too long.

I had changed into a pair of black shorts and his white hoodie with combat boots.

He was in the bedroom, packing up the clothes. We were getting ready to go home, back far away from this beautiful house. Away from this beautiful city. I'd sure miss this place, but I knew I couldn't stay forever. Not when I have a whole business to run.

"I'm done". He yelled from the bedroom. He seemed to be getting better, maybe it was the thought that he'd be going home getting far away from here. Away from where his demons are the strongest.

The first step was talking about his past, afterward, he'd have time to heal. I hoped that'll lead to a better and stronger Bakari.

"I'm ready, can you bring the bags or do you need help?" I asked.

"It's fine". He said while walking into the living room, setting the suitcases down right near the front door. Going back to get the last of them, then double-check if we left anything.

While he was checking the doorbell rang, "I'll get it". I yelled hopping up from my phone, leaving it on the couch.

Hopping on over to the door with a happy little dance. Even though I was leaving this beautiful city, I was happy to be going back home, back to New York. I missed my apartment, I missed Kin mostly. He was probably at home alone with Maria, wondering where I was, or maybe he didn't care, who knows?

I pulled open the front door, and my mood is happily killed.

"What do you two want?" Jazmine and Nola really were at our doorstep right now. The two people I hated the most in the world right now.

"I just came to visit my baby cousin, am I not allowed that?" Nola spoke, she probably didn't think I knew what happened all them years ago.

It revolted me knowing what she did, knowing she could have stopped it. She had let it drag on, she let Joel hate Bakari for something she could have prevented from happening.

Jazmine! Oh, she had about 10 more seconds of standing in my presence before me before I popped off on her. I can think of 20 ways I can kill her with a hairbrush. She was making me so incensed and repulsed all at the same time.

She had the decency to stand in my face right now, she's probably thinking about it right now. Thinking about that day, she could be replaying it over and over in her mind. Thinking about how she sexually assaulted a teenager, used him for her own sexual pleasure.

She didn't deserve to walk on the same ground he has. She wasn't worthy, she wasn't fit. She was low, she belonged in hell and that's where she'll end up. Quicker than she's supposed to if she kept standing in my presence for a second longer.

"No! You're not allowed that right. So how about you get to fucking stepping before I have to take serious action". This was me being nice, I just hoped they both knew that. This situation can get real physical, real physical real fast. I was really down to take off and let go on her. I needed someone to take my frustrations out on, if she wanted to be the victim, then be my guess.

I closed the door immediately after my statement. Not caring about their reaction, nor newly acquired issue with me.

I know I always shoot for having the family love me but after what they have done, I couldn't care less. They deserved no attention, matter of fact they shouldn't even be getting me this riled up. Only because their issue is Bakari's nightmare is why I can't stop thinking upon it.

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