Remember Me

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Friday 2:12am I'm officially sick😷🤮
Yo! I hate being sick 😭 like I wanna cry rn. My stomach is causing me so much pain, so guess who's not leaving her bed today? ME!

Update: I'm feeling like a baby! I deadass like want my mom rn 😭😭😭

So weeks passed, and today was Bakari's release date. He was getting out of the hospital and he was getting ready to go home to that witch he calls a wife.

Today is the day she will try to conceive and heir to Bakari's fortune. Which I was unsettled by, I couldn't shake the uncomfortable feeling all day. I was more than disgusted that she'd use his amnesia against him like that.

I had a longer, harder day at work. Mostly because I kept getting images in my head of them doing things like that. Maria walked inside my office to announce the business going on downstairs.

"The construction workers are almost done boss. The shopping center is available to stock with clothes and we can get costumers in, by the next week".

"That's great". I smiled and she saw right through it. I could tell she wanted to ask me some questions but she didn't.

She left me to my work and I allowed the rest of the day to pass me by. Until I was going home and I didn't see Bakari walking like I usually would. Probably hurrying home to get back to his so called wife.

I got sadly upset with that, and I remembered everyday walking with him every morning. When I reached my apartment and quickly got into bed. Relaxing then looking at all around me for hours.

It was getting dark, then Jay called.

"Did you go and get him?", She immediately asked and I was confused.

"What? What are you talking about Jay?". I questioned, tilting my head to the side slightly, keeping my phone pressed to my ear.

"Bakari! After you told me about that phone call, I'd go and get him. Fuck Freya and the child she thinks she's getting tonight". She said and I laid back in bed.

"I don't have time for that, Freya won. I'll find another man".

"Yeah, you'll find someone else's man. Bakari is YOUR man. He belongs with you not fajita".

"I thought so before but, fate didn't want that".

"You don't know what fate definitely won't know unless you try". She said a little louder. "The last time you spoke with him was 2 weeks ago. Freya is only with him because he can't remember you. You haven't even tried to jog his memory. YOUR CARRYING HIS CHILD FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. Olivia amnesia doesn't mean he doesn't love means he doesn't remember that he does".

"Jay it's futile...I'm not going to attempt anything".

"Hmmm". Right as she spoke I heard the same noise coming from the hall of my apartment. My door to my bedroom opened and there appeared Jay. "Your going to stop this...fajita ain't getting her way tonight".

"JAY". I yelled happily jumping from my bed and hugging her tightly.

"Let's get you dressed". She pulled me to the closet and dressed me. In Bakari's hoodie, and light blue jeans and my all Black Jordan 6's. "We are leaving, let's go. She pushed me out the door but she was in my room longer than expected. She came out with her purse looking a little larger then when she first got here.

"What did you take?".

"You trust me?". She asked lifting one eyebrow

I nodded, "I trust you".

Say You Won't Let Go *EDITING*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant