Petty Theft

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Robbie started the drive to wherever the car was. I didn't really know where he was going, since we weren't given a specific location, but he swore he had seen it before.

"Hey Robbie, do you know where the Cobra is?"

"I don't know the name of the street, but I do know where it is."

"Alright. Well are you sure you really wanna go about doing this?"

"He's been paying us $500 for every document we've gotten for him. Imagine how much he'll give us for a car?"

"Why does a thirteen year old need these 'documents?' A-And what are you guys doing taking orders from a child?!"

"He's young, but he pays well," Robbie said. "Money talks, you know."

"Yeah, I suppose so."

"And besides, we're gonna drive a Shelby Cobra! Aren't you at least a little excited about that?"

I shook my head and chuckled.

"Yeah I guess your right. But do you know how we're gonna steal it?"

"I hadn't really thought about that... do you know how to Hotwire a car?"

"Well, I could try it... but I've never done it before."

"Do you know how to, Maegan," Robbie asked.

"I've never tried it either."

"Damn it... we'll figure it out when we get there, we're already getting close."

After about a minute or so, I could see he Cobra sitting in one of the driveways. Why someone would keep such a nice car out in the open, I had no idea.

Wait, wasn't I doing that by leaving my car at Robbie's house?

While I thought about what I had just done, Robbie parked two houses down from where the car was. Once he did, we all got out and approached the car. It looked even more beautiful up close.

"Alright, so how are we gonna do this," Robbie asked.

"Well the car's for sale," Maegan said. "So maybe we could pretend to be buyers and 'test drive' the car."

"Yeah I think that could work," I said. "But one of use should wait in the truck, the three of us can't just jump into this thing."

"Damn... could I drive it," Robbie asked.

"Well..." I said while examining the car. "Do you know how to drive a stick shift?"

"Stick shift?"


"Oh. Wait, is it a manual?!"

"Yep. Take a look."

We both looked through the window of the car. There it was, a manual transmission in a car that shouldn't have anything else.

"Damn, I don't know how to drive manual..."

"Well shoot bud, I think you'll have to wait in the truck then. But no worries, sometime when we're free, I'll teach you. The Miata's also standard."

"Yeah, thanks Danny."

"Of course. So you're gonna wait in the truck, and I'm gonna try to test drive the car with Maegan. Once we do that, we'll call you and let you know if everything went smoothly."


Robbie headed to the truck while Maegan and I continued to examine the car for a bit. Once Robbie was in his truck, I asked Maegan the same question.

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