Roadster Collective

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"Dammit," I quietly said to myself.


"Eh... hold on tight, Natsuki."

She had a bit of a concerned look, but I just needed to focus on getting out of here. I went ahead and downshifted into fifth, then fourth, then third. I was already at six thousand RPM's, but I needed every bit of speed I could get out of my slow little car.

The two cars were still approaching, and they seemed to be gaining on us. As they did, I could see what car they were driving, which led me to believe that we weren't in as much danger as we had originally thought.

They were both driving Miatas. One was an NB, and one was an NC like mine. I pretty sure I could outrun them...

That is, unless theirs had some modifications. Mine was completely stock.

Slowly but surely, I was getting away from the blue NB, but the black NC was catching up. I kept going, hoping that maybe I could pull away, but it seemed like there was no use.

The car was soon behind me. It then went ahead and slowly pulled up next to me, both of us driving at high speeds.

He gestured me to slow down before giving me a thumbs up and a smile. He didn't really seem menacing at all...

I went ahead and allowed the car to slow itself down while he did the same, keeping his car positioned next to mine. The blue NB soon pulled up next to his car, making the three of us take up the three lanes of the conveniently clear freeway.

We were soon approaching a light. The three of us stopped next to each other and the NC opened his window to talk to me.

"Hey, nice car," he shouted.

"Thank you!"

"Where you guys headed?"

"I don't know," I said with a shrug.

"You wanna meet up with us at the Starbucks on Springfield?"

"Uh... sure!"

The light suddenly turned green. The two car guys launched away quickly while I went ahead and just started at a regular pace before getting up to speed with them. Unlike them, I had a passenger, so I didn't want to drive too roughly...

"Starbucks," Natsuki asked.

"Yeah, it's like, a coffee shop. You'll like it."

I kept up with the other two cars until we turned onto Springfield. From there, we headed to the Starbucks at a regular pace since we were no longer on the highway. Once we got there, we all parked next to each other before getting out of our cars and approaching each other.

"Hey," the driver of the NC said.

"Hi," I replied.

Natsuki and the driver of the NB just silently waved.

"I'm Victor," the NC driver said. "And this is David. What are your guys' names?"

"I'm Danny, and this here is Natsuki."



"Oh. Well it's nice to meet you Danny and uh, Natsuki."

He went ahead and shook our hands.

"It's nice to meet you," David said before doing the same.

"Come on, let me buy you guys a coffee," Victor said, gesturing that we follow him.

I just shrugged at Natsuki before we followed Victor and David into the Starbucks. The offered to get us a coffee, but I refused. I'd buy one later if I felt like it.

Sweet NatsukiWhere stories live. Discover now