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"I was hoping maybe she came home. She left Robbie's house earlier today, and I haven't seen her since."

He quietly said something to himself before looking back at me.

"Come in," he said.

I entered the house and Maegan's dad had me sit down at the dining table. He sat across from me and took his phone out of his pocket.

"Have you tried calling her," he asked.

"Yeah, it just goes to voicemail. I don't know if her phone is off or what, but she ain't answering."

He went ahead and called Maegan before putting the phone on speaker. It immediately went to voicemail, just like it had before.

"Damn it..."

He put his phone on the table and left. I soon heard him open a door and talk to someone, who I quickly realized was Maegan's mom after hearing her speak. Her voice quickly turned into that of concern as soon as Maegan's dad told her what was going on. Both of them soon came to the dining table as Maegan's dad started to make a phone call.

"Danny, what happened," Maegan's mom asked. "Where's Maegan?"

She kept her cool and spoke in a firm tone, even though I knew was very concerned.

"I don't know," I said. "She left Robbie's house earlier today, and well, she never came back."

I heard Maegan's dad talking on the phone, and I could tell he was calling the police. He soon started describing Maegan's appearance, giving many specific physical details. It wouldn't be hard to picture what she looked like with how well he was able to describe her.

Sadly, the cops in my town were usually quick to assume that anyone who had gone missing was dead. A lot of cases usually went unsolved and left without further action. I just hope hers doesn't go that way...

"Do you know where she left to," Maegan's mom asked me.

"Well I know she left with Vince, but I don't know where they went. Do you know him?"

"Vince... I know Maegan told me about him, but I've never met him. Do you know him?"

"Kinda, but we don't get along I guess. I am gonna see him around school tomorrow, and well, I'll ask him about what happened to Maegan."

"Yes, please. Thank you, Danny. Please tell us what happens."

"I will, no worries. I'm sure we'll find her."

Maegan's dad soon got off the phone. As soon as he did, he put it in his pocket and took a seat next to Maegan's mom, who told him about Vince and how I was gonna see him tomorrow.

"I'll ask him about Maegan and see what he says. I'm sure she's fine... we'll find her."

"I really hope she's okay," Maegan's mom said as she started to cry a little.

"She'll be fine," Maegan's dad said as she comforted her.

"It'll be okay," I said. "Just try and call her every now and then. Maybe she'll pick up. Right now I'm gonna get home and try to get some sleep. You two should try to also... it's really late. We'll start searching in the morning."

"Yes, okay. Thank you very much, Danny. Please let us know if you find anything," Maegan's mom said.

"I will. I'll let you know what happens and I'll let you know what Vince says."

"Thank you," Maegan's dad said. "It's 4:30... do you wanna crash out here for the night?"

"Eh... maybe. Yeah actually, that would be nice, thank you."

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